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AIMSCS Inspires Students to Pursue Statistics

1 August 2010 1,739 views No Comment

Institute tries to create world forum for Statistics Olympiad

    Although statistics is a young discipline, it has grown to be an essential tool for all areas of human endeavor in the last century. Indeed, there is demand by government, industry, and academia throughout the world for statisticians to help in the decisionmaking process. Therefore, it is one of the aims of the C. R. Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics Statistics and Computer Science (AIMSCS) to encourage talented young students to pursue statistics careers. To create awareness of statistics and encourage those with an aptitude for numerical reasoning to study statistics, C. R. Rao suggested conducting the Statistics Olympiad, similar to the Mathematical Olympiad.

    A team of statisticians led by T. J. Rao and S. Bendre organized the first Statistics Olympiad in June of 2009 by administering tests to about 270 students at the high-school and junior college levels throughout Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam, India. The questions were framed to test the ability of students to cross-examine data, detect the misuse of statistics, and read tables and charts. A special grading scheme helped choose the top 20 students with an aptitude for statistical reasoning and the ability to deal with numbers.

    These students were honored last year on June 29, the birth date of statistician P. C. Mahalanobis and Statistics Day in India. During the ceremony, a booklet was distributed giving biographical accounts of Mahalanobis, C. R. Rao, and S. R. S. Varadhan. The booklet was meant to serve as inspiration to aspiring statisticians.

    Encouraged by the success of the first Olympiad, the second Statistics Olympiad was held on June 5. Again, the top scorers were honored on Statistics Day.

    AIMSCS is setting up a committee in collaboration with the University of Hyderabad to test students from more schools throughout India and to explore creating a world forum for the Statistics Olympiad. Ideas and suggestions for implementing this project may be sent to S. B. Rao, AIMSCS director, at siddanib@yahoo.co.in.

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