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Books Arrive in Egypt

1 January 2017 569 views One Comment

A cargo shipment of donated books for the Library of Alexandria arrived recently at the Port of Alexandria.

    More than 5,000 research methods books arrived by cargo ship to the Port of Alexandria recently. The books, contributed by many ASA members, were warmly greeted by the team at the Library of Alexandria and unloaded. This effort made the Library of Alexandria the first and largest research methods library in the world. In the next few weeks, the books will have individual donor plaques included in them and be shelved. If you would also like to donate books, contact Ronald LaPorte.

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    • Mary Ned said:

      I have beautiful books on Egypt, primarily ancient Egypt–large books with many photographs. We collected these beautiful books through the years after our five years living in Cairo in the 1980s. Also, our daughter worked for AMIDEAST several years ago.

      Now I am looking for a home for these lovely books, all of which are in English.

      Would the Library of Alexandra be interested in adding them to its collection? And if so, how and where would they be shipped?

      Kind regards,
      Mary Ned