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ASA Board of Directors Candidates

1 March 2013 1,802 views One Comment

The ASA announces the selection of candidates for the 2013 election. The winning candidates’ terms will begin in 2014. Make sure to look for your ballots in your email inbox and to vote early. Voting begins at midnight EST on March 15 and ends at 11:59 p.m. PST on May 3.

Complete candidate biographies can be read on the ASA website (PDF download).




    Christy Chuang-Stein

    Vice President, Statistical Research and Consulting Center, Pfizer Inc.

      I am honored to be considered as a presidential candidate for the ASA. Our association is full of brilliant statisticians. While we differ in our statistical training and expertise, we share the same passion for statistics and a common desire for a strong professional identity; they bind us together as members of the ASA. It is through this shared membership that I reach out to you as a presidential candidate.

      What could I offer to an organization that will soon celebrate a rich history of 175 years? Guided by its strategic plan, the ASA has many ongoing activities in support of statistical literacy and outreach, expanded membership benefits, increased ASA presence on Capitol Hill, new meetings, and publications. If elected, I will continue to support these worthy endeavors. In addition, I offer my energy and leadership to the following:

      Accelerating the Pace of Using Statistical Excellence to Influence Decisions and Policies
      At its heart, statistics is an applied science. It transforms information to knowledge, knowledge to decisions, and decisions to actions. The success of our profession is critically dependent on our ability to actively contribute to this process, by transforming our technical excellence to pragmatic solutions and thereby influencing decisions and policies. We have seen this play out successfully in areas such as medicine and auto industry. In this increasingly fast-paced age, we need to accelerate this transformation. One way to enable this is to rigorously promote and facilitate statistical partnerships among academe, industry, and government. I am convinced such partnerships will open up new frontiers of statistical applications and earn statisticians the reputation of invaluable partners in the 21st century.

      Celebrating the Achievements of Statisticians in All Sectors of Employment
      The ASA has committees that address the needs of groups such as women, minorities, and applied statisticians. There is another type of diversity, rooted in the roles we play and talents we possess in our profession. As the strategic plan encourages the ASA to be “The Big Tent for Statistics,” we need to make sure the Big Tent celebrates the achievements of statisticians in all roles. Along with placing high value on innovations in research, we also should headline innovations in education, applications, and statistical engineering. We can start this journey by reviewing the award process within the ASA and making adjustments if necessary. I believe an award system that recognizes diverse achievements will not only encourage greater membership engagement, but also foster greater appreciation of each other in the Big Tent.

      Call Members to Service
      As General Colin Powell once said, “Organization doesn’t really accomplish anything. Endeavors succeed or fail because of the people involved.” The most valuable asset of an association is its members. Many statisticians have built up the ASA to what it is today through their active participation in chapters, sections, committees and the ASA Board. I believe it is crucial to create a strong culture of volunteerism and invite all members to own a piece of our association’s future. A strong activism culture can help ensure that our association continues to grow, to be strong and forward-looking for future generations of statisticians. One way to progress this is to recruit young graduates to serve on our committees and give them a strong voice on the future direction of our association.

      Participating in working groups with statisticians from all sectors of employment, serving on the Fellows Committee, and chairing the 175th Anniversary Committee have given me unique experience and insight into the above goals. I am excited about the opportunity and look forward to the chance of working with you to achieve these goals.




        David Morganstein

        Vice President, Director of Statistical Group, Westat, Inc.

          I deeply appreciate the nominating committee putting forth my name as a candidate for the position of president. It would be an honor to continue serving the ASA in this new role. We face exciting new opportunities addressing topics such as Big Data and supporting statistical practice. We embarked on a road to improve communications with other organizations and the news media, steps that will improve our visibility in the world. Some attempts have been made to create a mentoring network to support younger members in their professional growth. I am excited at these first steps and support them.

          The ASA is a multicultural, diverse organization with many special and varied interests. I would pay careful attention to the many distinct concerns of our members and bring this understanding to our planning for the ASA’s future. Our world is seeking evidence-based answers to a host of complex issues, and the ASA membership’s breadth of skills offers a way to navigate the growing flood of data. Our very rich community offers a wide variety of perspectives, and we are at our strongest when we learn from each other and try to set priorities that serve as many of our members as possible. I heartily support, and in the past have assisted, the association’s effort to engage its membership through soliciting their views as vital input when reaching decisions.

          The association’s strategic plan focuses on a number of areas that are both of personal and professional interest, namely, statistical practice, visibility of the profession, and membership growth—areas to which I would continue to contribute.

          Statistical Practice
          The ASA continues in its efforts to balance our profession’s vital contribution of sound theory with equally important good practice. Statistical practice is the subject of a new annual ASA conference, first held in 2012. The meeting attracted a variety of association members, and I’m pleased to continue my own participation by offering a tutorial at CSP 2013.

          Having worked in and consulted to industry and government most of my career, I have learned that sharing best practices, an issue closely related to statistical ethics, is an invaluable part of professional growth. In chairing the deliberations of the International Statistical Institute’s ethics committee as it re-wrote its Code of Ethical Behavior, it was clear to me that there is much to be discussed and shared on ethical principles and statistical best practices.

          The leadership of the ASA and our executive director has expanded our efforts to increase the visibility of our profession and association recently. A number of important steps have been taken: hiring a public relations coordinator, holding training sessions for board members on how to increase the effectiveness of communications with journalists, and identifying popular media that might be open to running news items that highlight the contributions of our members. These steps offer a great opportunity, and I am eager to assist in developing and expanding them.

          As someone who was encouraged and guided professionally early in my career by more senior statisticians, I think our association could help create mentoring networks in our chapters, sections, and member organizations. There have been a few trial efforts to create such links. There are challenges to find suitable mentors and match them, but our members’ collective knowledge regarding social networks could be tapped to help accelerate these activities.

          Finally, in recent years, the ASA office has taken exciting, proactive steps to find new ways to serve members. I look forward to addressing our challenges and expanding our opportunities.

          Vice President



            Jeri Metzger Mulrow

            Program Director, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Science Foundation

              The ASA as the “Big Tent for Statistics” really resonates with me. Ever since I joined the ASA as a graduate student, I have felt that ASA is like a home. It is a place where I feel welcomed and comfortable.

              As an applied master’s-level statistician, this may sound surprising to some. However, the ASA has provided me with many great opportunities. I have been able to meet and work with many interesting statisticians, continue my statistical learning through short courses and presentations, and lead as chair of several ASA workgroups and a member of the Board of Directors as the Council of Sections Governing Board’s board representative. I even traveled to China as part of a People to People Ambassador Program in 2010.

              However, I think there is room for the ASA to improve. Statisticians are a diverse group, working in many areas on many types of issues. There continue to be new and emerging areas of statistical research and practice. Our focus and needs are always changing. Our leaders must recognize this diversity and steer the organization accordingly. I think there is space in the “big tent” for all of us, but we must continue to work at it.

              As with any diverse group, people’s opinions differ and things don’t always go smoothly. This is good. It would be boring if we all agreed on everything and no one had a unique thought. The challenge is to listen to the differences and create an amenable solution. I believe what I learned from my past experience on the board would help me do this. Therefore, I am honored to be nominated and excited to be a candidate for ASA vice president.

              If elected, I would look forward to working with many terrific people and promoting the practice and profession of statistics. I am particularly interested in hearing from members (and future members) about their interests and needs. The board is already tackling some big issues related to the future of publications, structure of the Joint Statistical Meetings, visibility of the profession, and cohesiveness of continuing education and professional development. I am anxious to look ahead to see what other issues the board should take on.

              Vice President



                Anna Nevius

                Supervisory Mathematical Statistician, Center for Veterinary Medicine, Food and Drug Administration

                  I feel honored to have been asked to be a candidate for the office of vice president of the ASA. Over the years, the ASA has played an important role in my development as a statistician. From my first years as a graduate student in statistics at Kansas State University, my professors instilled in me the obligation and privilege of being an active participant in the statistical world, which included membership in the ASA. I have lived by that principle and found that many doors have been opened to me because of my membership.

                  I have had the opportunity to serve on committees such as Outreach, Women in Statistics, and Membership. I also have been privileged to serve in various capacities on the executive committee of the Biopharmaceutical Section, including chair.

                  Most of my working life has been as a supervisory mathematical statistician at the Center for Veterinary Medicine, Food and Drug Administration. Previously, I worked as an instructor in statistics at the University of Nebraska.

                  These life experiences have led me to especially embrace two of the strategic plan initiatives—membership growth and education. Too many statistical colleagues do not see the need for active membership in the ASA. The challenge is to provide membership incentives that motivate them to want to become members. In today’s world, with so much “free” information on the Internet, finding enticing membership incentives is challenging, but a task I would like to pursue.

                  My other passion is promoting statistical education, beginning in kindergarten. Part of my responsibilities at CVM/FDA has been to recruit statisticians for our group. This has been one of the hardest tasks, as the employment opportunities have far exceeded the employment pool.

                  I would welcome the opportunity to serve on the board as a vice president of the ASA, working with other board members to find ways to embrace the strategic plan as we promote the field of statistics in our 175th year.

                  Council of Sections Board Representative



                    Cynthia Long

                    Professor, Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research, 2006, and Director of Research, 2011

                      I am honored to be a candidate for the Council of Sections (COS) Governing Board Representative to the ASA Board of Directors. I have actively participated in five ASA sections throughout my 25 years as an ASA member and truly value the opportunities it has given me. I have made friends, fostered professional networks, and worked toward common goals with many statistical colleagues. Over the past 15 years, I have been fortunate to be involved in the leadership of three sections, holding positions of publications officer, program chair, and chair. I just completed the last year of my term as representative to the COS for the Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences Section.

                      My career thus far has been as a biostatistician and director of a research center in a non-traditional setting, where I have developed and enhanced our research infrastructure and cultivated collaboration to build a successful research program. My experiences and unique perspective give me the ability to communicate effectively with section leadership and the Board of Directors regarding issues that are important to the sections. I think I can successfully represent the diverse membership of the sections on issues of direct relevance to the ASA’s current strategic plan, including increasing the visibility of statistics as a profession, promoting the value of statisticians, establishing continuing professional development opportunities and standards, and enhancing the organization of JSM without diminishing its broad appeal to ASA membership. I would find it extremely rewarding to serve the ASA in this role.

                      Council of Sections Board Representative



                        Jackie Miller

                        Auxiliary Associate Professor and Education can you buy ativan in mexico Specialist, The Ohio State University

                          I would be honored to serve our profession as Council of Sections Representative to the ASA Board. The Council of Sections is made up of individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences, but with similar interests who come together in sections. As COS representative, I will strive to increase the visibility of our profession and continue the open dialogue between the board and Council of Sections so we can help all ASA members be a part of our parent organization.

                          Council of Chapters Board Representative



                            James J. Cochran

                            Bank of Ruston Endowed Research Professor, Louisiana Tech University

                              I am honored to be a candidate for Council of Chapters Governing Board (COCGB) Representative to the ASA Board of Directors. ASA chapters are the core of the organization’s ability to generate interest and enthusiasm for its initiatives and activities at the grass roots level, so the opportunity to represent chapters on the ASA Board of Directors is particularly appealing.

                              Serving as COCGB representative would provide me with an opportunity to use what I have learned as a member of the COCGB and Council of Sections, co-founder and co-chair of Statistics without Borders, and co-chair of Friends of Australasia to develop and facilitate processes through which chapters can help the ASA achieve its goals of generating greater awareness of the profession and increasing the inclusiveness of the organization. I also can use what I have learned as the organizer and chair of a series of international teaching effectiveness colloquia (held in several countries) to develop strategies for achieving effective outreach through the creation and delivery of professional development courses. These activities demonstrate my commitment to the organization’s goals of increasing the visibility of the profession and reinforcing the organization’s position as an inclusive “big tent” for statistics.

                              Journals and meetings are primary sources of revenue for the ASA, and the organization is facing issues with each of these functions. The ASA Board of Directors is dealing with uncertainty about the future of journals. Will other delivery systems ultimately supplant print? How do we move our journals in this direction in a cost-effective manner with as little disruption as possible? How do we identify and take advantage of the benefits of moving our journals in this direction? As a COCGB representative to the board, I would have an opportunity to apply what I have learned through my experience as editor-in-chief of an electronic journal (INFORMS Transactions on Education), founding editor-in-chief of an online and print encyclopedia (Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science), and associate editor for seven other journals to this critical issue.

                              The ASA Board of Directors also is dealing with the rapid growth of the annual Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM 2012 in San Diego featured more than 50 concurrent sessions). While this growth is a result of increased appreciation for what our discipline has to offer and so a positive outcome, we must be concerned with how we can be the “big tent” of statistics without further increasing the number of sessions at JSM. I look forward to applying what I have learned through my experiences participating in the organization of JSM and conferences of organizations such as the International Statistical Institute, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, and International Federation of Operational Research Societies to this issue.

                              I would welcome the opportunity to represent the interests of chapters, further integrate chapter members and officers in ongoing ASA activities and initiatives, and work with the ASA Board of Directors and the organization’s members to accomplish the organization’s goals.

                              Council of Chapters Board Representative



                                Daniel Jeske

                                Professor and Chair, University of California at Riverside

                                  I believe participation in the ASA is a critical piece of our identity as professional statisticians. Obvious benefits include opportunities for networking, continuing education, and free online access to some of the top journals in our field. For me, one of the most rewarding benefits is what I learn from interacting with statisticians who work across a diverse array of environments.

                                  As ASA members, to elevate and promote our profession, we must act as self-appointed ambassadors. Our individual participation in local chapters, for example, might encourage a student, inspire a colleague, or bring an otherwise isolated statistician into the camaraderie of our profession. As the Council of Chapters Representative to the ASA Board of Directors, I would bring this type of mindset to my work on the important issues facing the board.

                                  International Representative to the Board



                                    Ming-Yen Cheng

                                    Professor of Statistics, National Taiwan University

                                      The ASA has been playing a key role in the promotion of research, application, and dissemination of statistics. I have been a member of ASA since 1994, the year I earned my PhD degree. This experience has greatly helped my career as a researcher and educator in statistics, and so I am particularly honored to be given the opportunity to stand for the election for the international representative to the ASA Board of Directors.

                                      I was educated in Taiwan and the United States and have working experience in Australia, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and United States. I have been involved in various activities of the ASA and IMS. If I were elected, I would contribute to the ASA’s effort for statistics education at all levels; activities to promote links, exchanges, and collaboration between statisticians from different parts of the world; and recognition of the importance of statistics to our society, science, and technology.

                                      International Representative to the Board



                                        Masahiro (Masa)Takeuchi

                                        Professor of Clinical Medicine (Biostatistics, Pharmaceutical Medicine), School of Pharmacy, Kitasato University

                                          My education in statistics and working experience as a statistician in both academia and government regulatory agencies in the United States and Japan has made me interested in applying for the ASA’s position of international representative to the board. With my experience establishing the first department of biostatistics in Tokyo with both a master’s and doctorate program in biostatistics, I think I can be a liaison between the United States and Japan in education and government regulatory statistical science.

                                          In Japan, mathematical statistics is predominately theoretical, and there is a lack of attention given to education in biostatistics. After the ICH movement, it is clear that the role of biostatistician is important in drug development and review of new drug applications to the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare. Education and practice in biostatistics require statistical theory and communication with medical practitioners.

                                          My 10 years’ working experience as a mathematical statistician at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has changed my view of statistical practice. Different from the academic and journal publication setting, a robust estimate of standard error of the estimated efficacy to preserve p-value is important for drug review. In regulatory affairs, the type I error rate is the most important idea, and crucial for understanding results.

                                          As an international representative to the ASA board, I believe I can apply my knowledge and experience in both the United States and Japanese academia and regulatory agencies. I hope to provide and stimulate unique statistical research issues to the ASA for international collaboration.

                                          ASA 2013 Election Candidates List

                                            Council of Chapters Governing Board
                                            Scott Evans, Harvard University
                                            Linda Young, University of Florida
                                            Vice Chair, District 5, Region 3
                                            Julia Sharp, Clemson University
                                            Ji-Hyun Lee, Moffitt Cancer Center
                                            Vice Chair, District 6, Region 3
                                            Xiaoming Sheng, University of Utah
                                            Jo Hardin, Pomona College

                                            Council of Sections Governing Board
                                            David Breiter, Covidien
                                            Stephen Gulyas, Optum, Inc.
                                            Vice Chair, 1st year
                                            Tony An, SAS Institute Inc.
                                            Stacey Lindborg, Biogen Idec

                                            Section on Bayesian Statistical Sciences
                                            Purushottam W. Laud, Medical College of Wisconsin
                                            Ed George, University of Pennsylvania
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Gary Rosner, The Johns Hopkins University
                                            Catherine Calder, The Ohio State University
                                            Council of Sections Representative
                                            Dawn Woodard, Cornell University
                                            Donatello Telesca, University of California at Los Angeles

                                            Biometrics Section
                                            Diana Miglioretti, Group Health Cooperative
                                            Jeffrey Morris, MD Anderson Cancer Center
                                            Council of Sections Representative
                                            Joe Hogan, Brown University
                                            Renee Moore, North Carolina State University

                                            Biopharmaceutical Section
                                            Dionne Price, Food and Drug Administration
                                            Jeff Maca, Quintiles
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Stephine Keeton, PPD
                                            Gary Aras, Amgen
                                            Heather Thomas, Actavis, Inc.
                                            Xiaohui (Ed) Luo, Bausch + Lomb
                                            Council of Sections Representative
                                            Alan Hartford, Agensys, Inc.
                                            John Johnson, Registrat-MAPI

                                            Business and Economic Statistics Section
                                            Tim Dunne, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
                                            Bruce Meyer, The University of Chicago
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Beth Andrews, Northwestern University
                                            Denis Nekipelov, University of California at Berkeley
                                            Publications Officer
                                            Cindy Yu, Iowa State University
                                            Ataman Ozyildirim, The Conference Board
                                            Council of Sections Representative
                                            John Abowd, Cornell University
                                            Stephanie Shipp, IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute

                                            Section on Statistical Computing
                                            David van Dyk, Imperial College London
                                            Doug Nychka, National Center for Atmospheric Research
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Giles Hooker, Cornell
                                            Feng Liang, UIUC
                                            Tim Hesterberg, Google
                                            Sudipto Banerjee, University of Minnesota
                                            Publications Officer
                                            Usha Govindarajulu, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
                                            Bo Li, Perdue University
                                            Council of Sections Representative
                                            John Monahan, North Carolina State University
                                            Jim Wendelberger, Urban Science Applications

                                            Section on Statistical Consulting
                                            Jon Mahnken, The University of Kansas Medical Center
                                            Eric Vance, Virginia Tech’s Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis
                                            Ann Lazar, University of California at San Francisco
                                            Julie Sharp, Clemson University
                                            Executive Committee at Large
                                            Scott Berry, Berry Consultants
                                            Heidi Spratt, The University of Texas Medical Branch

                                            Section on Statistical Education
                                            Alison Gibbs, University of Toronto
                                            Bill Notz, The Ohio State University
                                            Executive Committee at Large
                                            Albyn Jones, Reed College
                                            Kari Lock Morgan, Duke University
                                            Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, Duke University
                                            Tim Jacobbe, University of Florida
                                            Council of Sections Representative
                                            Chad Schafer, Carnegie Mellon University
                                            Jamie Perrett, Monsanto
                                            Publications Officer
                                            Jennifer Kaplan, University of Georgia
                                            Jeff Jonkman, Grinnell College

                                            Section on Statistics and the Environment
                                            Kate Calder, The Ohio State University
                                            Brian Reich, North Carolina State University
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Edward L. Boone, Virginia Commonwealth University
                                            Bo Li, Purdue University
                                            Snehalata V. Huzurbazar, SAMSI
                                            Kathi Irvine, U.S. Geological Survey
                                            Publications Chair-Elect
                                            Candace Berrett, Brigham Young University
                                            Emily Lei Kang, University of Cincinnati

                                            Section on Statistics in Epidemiology
                                            Babette Brumback, University of Florida
                                            Dylan Small, University of Pennsylvania
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Haitao Chu, University of Minnesota at Minneapolis
                                            Yan Ma, Hospital of Special Surgery
                                            Publications Officer
                                            Elizabeth Brown, University of Washington
                                            Elizabeth Ogburn, Harvard School of Public Health
                                            Council of Sections Representative
                                            Sebastien Haneuse, Harvard School of Public Health
                                            Susan Gruber, Harvard School of Public Health

                                            Section on Government Statistics
                                            Wendy Martinez, Bureau of Labor Statistics
                                            Jenny Thompson, U.S. Census Bureau
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Jeffrey Gonzalez, Bureau of Labor Statistics
                                            Jenny Guarino, Bureau of Transportation Statistics

                                            Section on Statistical Graphics
                                            Jay Emerson, Yale University
                                            David Hunter, Penn State University
                                            Naomi Robbins, NBR
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Matt Shotwell, Vanderbilt University
                                            Martin Theus, BI Unit Telefónica
                                            Council of Sections Representative
                                            John Castelloe, SAS Institute
                                            Rebecca Nugent, Carnegie Mellon University
                                            James Shine, U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center
                                            Publications Officer
                                            Anushka Anand, Tableau Software
                                            Abbass Sharif, University of Southern California
                                            Charlotte Wickham, Oregon State University

                                            Health Policy Statistics Section
                                            Kelly Zou, Pfizer Inc.
                                            Joe Cappelleri, Pfizer Inc.
                                            Council of Sections Representative
                                            Ofer Harel, University of Connecticut
                                            Matt Rotelli, Eli Lilly & Company

                                            Section on Statistics in Marketing
                                            James Wendelberger, Urban Science Applications
                                            Kinshuk Jeruth, Carnegie Mellon University
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Michael Braun, MIT Sloan School of Management
                                            Lynd Bacon, Loma Buena Associates
                                            Song Lin, Nielsen
                                            Rick Briesch, Southern Methodist University
                                            Council of Sections Representative
                                            Julia Bienias, Nielsen
                                            Nino Hardt, The Ohio State University

                                            Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences
                                            Stephanie P. DeHart, DuPont
                                            Sarah Kalicin, Intel Corporation
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Tirthankar Dasgupta, Harvard University
                                            William Li, University of Minnesota
                                            Peter Hovey, University of Dayton
                                            Min Yang, University of Illinois at Chicago

                                            Section on Quality and Productivity
                                            Sharad Prabhu, SAS Institute
                                            David Edwards, Virginia Commonwealth University
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Ananda Jayawardhana, Pittsburg State University
                                            Alix Ann Robertson, Sandia National Labs
                                            Tony Ng, Southern Methodist University

                                            Section on Risk Analysis
                                            Lelys Bravo, Universidad Simon Bolivar
                                            Jing Zhang, Miami University
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Matthew Wheeler, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
                                            Tuncay Alparslan, American University
                                            Council of Sections Representative
                                            Mike Tarter, University of California at Berkeley
                                            Susan Simmons, The University of North Carolina at Wilmington
                                            Cuixian Chen, The University of North Carolina at Wilmington
                                            Roland Deutsch, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
                                            Publications Officer
                                            Xiaosong Li, The University of North Carolina at Wilmington
                                            Wensong Wu, Florida International University

                                            Social Statistics Section
                                            Michael Davern, NORC
                                            Victoria Velkoff, U.S. Census Bureau
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Barbara Downs, U.S. Census Bureau
                                            Jeff Hardcastle, University of Nevada-Reno
                                            Natalya Verbitsky Savitz, Mathematica
                                            Joanna Turner, University of Minnesota

                                            Section on Statistics in Sports
                                            Shane Jensen, Wharton School
                                            Andrew Thomas, Carnegie Mellon University
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Joseph Koopmeiners, University of Minnesota
                                            Tracy Morris, University of Central Oklahoma

                                            Section on Survey Research Methods
                                            Michael R. Elliott, University of Michigan
                                            Rachel Harter, RTI International
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Stanislav (Stas) Kolenikov, Abt SRBI
                                            Daniell Toth, Bureau of Labor Statistics
                                            Sam Hawala, U.S. Census Bureau
                                            John Bremer, Toluna

                                            Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences Section
                                            Heather M. Bush, University of Kentucky
                                            Lehana Thabane, McMaster University

                                            Section on Nonparametric Statistics
                                            Hans-Georg Mueller, University of California at Davis
                                            Steve MacEachern, The Ohio State University
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Chunming Zhang, University of Wisconsin
                                            Xiao Wang, Purdue University
                                            Huixia Wang, North Carolina State University
                                            John Staudenmayer, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

                                            Statistics in Defense and National Security Section
                                            Ed Melnick, New York University
                                            Bani Mallick, Texas A&M University
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Jeffrey Solka, Naval Surface Warfare Center
                                            Michael Crane
                                            Publications Officer
                                            Joseph Warfield, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
                                            Gentry White, The University of Queensland
                                            Alix Ann Robertson, Sandia National Laboratories
                                            Laura Freeman, IDA
                                            Richard L. Warr, Air Force Institute of Technology

                                            Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
                                            Nance J. Petersen, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
                                            Steve Kirby, ViroPharma Incorporated
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Abdel-Salam G. Abdel-Salam, JPMorgan Chase & Co.
                                            Michael Carniello, Takeda Global Research & Development
                                            Nakisha R. Boulware Reid, Walden University
                                            Song Lin, The Nielsen Company
                                            Publications Officer
                                            Rick Wicklin, SAS Institute
                                            Monica Johnston, Independent Consultant

                                            Section on Statistical Learning and Data Mining
                                            Hugh Chipman, Acadia University
                                            Yufeng Liu, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Ali Shojaie, University of Washington at Seattle
                                            Matt Taddy, The University of Chicago

                                            Section on Statistics in Imaging
                                            Thomas Nichols, University of Warwick
                                            Ciprian Crainiceanu, Johns Hopkins University
                                            Program Chair-Elect
                                            Haipeng Shen, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
                                            Genevera Allen, Rice University

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                                            One Comment »

                                            • Robert Jerome said:

                                              Dear Dr. Keith Crank,
                                              I am looking at renewing the full membership. I have been somewhat successful with six college degrees, three engineering degrees, two master’s degrees that are Chemical/Petroleum Engineering with a Minor in Engineering Management and Logistics for Supply Chain Management and Strategic Planning. One of my master’s degrees is math education and applied math with advanced statistics. I have more than eight years of teaching elementary statistics and advanced statistics at the high school and college level. I taught at Rockford College, and I had one of my students set up for an internship at one of the local Banks in Rockford, Illinois for forecasting analysis. The other main areas where I had solid teaching are correlation coefficient, Speaqrman’s Rank, Linear Regression and Multiple Linear Regression. I have been an author of study guides and materials. Additionally, I have been very successful with the step by step process with Hypothesis Testing, Analysis of Variance, Expected Values, the shifting around of the basic equations of the standard deviation. There are developments and rules set up that evolve around the standard deviation. There are the entire populations and the sample size standard deviations. There are other developments such as the Cramer Rao.
                                              I am a widow, and when I was taking care of my previous wife that passed away from cancer I studied pure calculus in applied math for Fluid Dynamics. I then developed a letter of intent to MIT Department of Health Sciences for a Doctorate, and I did receive a reply in two days. I believe this is rather quick. I was invited to have a meeting, and I also had an answer from Havard University. I have visited and had meetings at both of these schools. I am looking at a doctorate in Specialized Blood Disorders with Applied Mathematics using statistical analysis.
                                              I am originally from the midwest, and I attended Beloit College, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota, Carleton College, Northern Illinois Univerity, University of Houston and Rice University.
                                              I would like to be involved with your organization. I have been elected to the AP College Board for the second time in my career for the Exam Reader and Evaluator for the Educational Testing Service (ETS).
                                              I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
                                              Mr. Jerome