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What Does Claire Kelling Like to Do When She Is Not Being a Statistician?

1 April 2018 3,638 views One Comment
This column focuses on what statisticians do when they are not being statisticians. If you would like to share your pastime with readers, please email Megan Murphy, Amstat News managing editor.

Claire Kelling began beading when she was 10 years old.

Claire Kelling began beading when she was 10 years old.

Who are you, and what is your statistics position?

I am a dual PhD candidate in statistics and social data analytics at Penn State.

Tell us about what you like to do for fun when you are not being a statistician.

When I am not being a statistician, I like to weave! I mostly create beaded patterns for family members as Christmas and birthday gifts. My most recent patterns have used more than 10,000 beads per design!

Claire Kelling’s largest project thus far, a gift for her mother, contains 10,712 beads.

Claire Kelling’s largest project thus far, a gift for her mother, contains 10,712 beads.

What drew you to this hobby, and what keeps you interested?

I have been beading since I was quite young, starting when I was about 10 years old, I think. I never enjoyed or was particularly good at the typical artistic activities, like drawing or painting. I am a triplet, and my brother and sister were both quite talented artistically. Having hobbies was actively buy ativan line encouraged in my family, as we lived on 56 acres with little to no TV, internet, or games. Therefore, I took up this hobby as a way to express myself artistically. It started as weaving potholders and turned into weaving pretty elaborate designs on a bead loom!

Claire Kelling completed her first major beading project when she was in about the fourth grade and entered it into the 4-H fair. It won fourth place.

Claire Kelling completed her first major beading project when she was in about the fourth grade and entered it into the 4-H fair. It won fourth place.

My next big step for weaving will likely involve a large fabric loom (about 5 x 5 x 5 ft). I enjoy this hobby because, as a statistician perhaps, I am drawn to patterns, and beading involves patterns quite obviously in the designs, but also in the execution of the craft. It is very methodical and careful, much like statistics.

I also enjoy creating something tangible through my hobby. My beadworks are almost always gifts, and I think a handmade gift is an excellent way to show your appreciation for someone. I think the fact that I have put 10,000+ beads individually onto a needle to weave into a design shows a lot about how much I care about someone!

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One Comment »

  • Sayali Phadke said:

    Much love to you, Claire.