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International Relations Committee Focuses on Outreach, Education

1 August 2021 773 views One Comment
Committee Members
Carolina Franco (Chair)
Nathaniel Newlands (Vice Chair)
Mark Otto
Jana Asher
Hadiza Galadima
Amarjot Kaur
Obafemi Adegoke Keshinro
Christopher McMahan
Valeria Quevedo
Diane Uschner
Alexandra Schmidt
Matilde Sanchez-Kam
Donna LaLonde
The ASA Committee on International Relations in Statistics was formed to identify goals, develop policies, and plan projects that foster activities involving international communications, exchange, and joint development with professional statisticians, societies, and other organizations in countries throughout the world. Here, Carolina Franco, chair of the committee, gives details about the committee’s initiatives.

What is the purpose of your committee, in your own words?

The committee focuses on international communications and outreach. On a yearly basis, the committee administers the ASA Educational Ambassador’s program. This is a wonderful program where (typically) two statisticians from other countries are sponsored to attend JSM and take one or more continuing education courses in an emerging area of research.

These scholars, the educational ambassadors (EAs), are selected based on a competitive application process and are then expected to teach a course about what they learned at JSM in their home countries or regions. This fosters the dissemination of ideas to students and other professionals who might not otherwise have the opportunity to be exposed to these areas of research. Different countries are targeted each year to ensure different parts of the world are represented across time, and the committee selects countries each year it thinks will greatly benefit from the program.

The committee also writes articles for Amstat News to inform the ASA membership about the activities of the committee, as well as other internationally focused topics of interest. And it pursues other initiatives based on the interests of the current members. Some of the initiatives we are pursuing this year are described below.

Why did you accept the position to chair the committee?

I really liked the committee’s focus and activities and wanted to do my part to help. I believe this committee can make a real impact by providing educational and other growth opportunities to statisticians in other countries through the EA program, and through other communication and outreach initiatives, and it’s rewarding to be part of that.

How often does the committee meet to plan activities?

That depends on the committee’s initiatives in a given year. Typically, the committee meets in person during JSM, but since 2020 and JSM being virtual, all the committee’s meetings have been virtual, as well. This year, we will probably meet virtually 3–4 times, but we have subteams within the committee working on different initiatives that have their own meetings.

What are some recent or upcoming committee events you would like to highlight?

In 2020, JSM went virtual, so it was decided that hosting new EAs would be deferred to the next in-person meeting. But the committee took this as an opportunity to pursue several other initiatives. Through meetings among the committee members, ASA Past President Wendy Martinez, and ASA Director of Strategic Initiatives and Outreach Donna LaLonde, several ideas came to light that were of interest to the committee members and had the potential to be of impact.

For example, the committee decided future EAs should be offered assistance in starting international student chapters in their home countries, should they be interested in doing so. These international student chapters could be a great way to provide more opportunities to students around the world. The committee then began an effort to compile educational, networking, and mentoring opportunities that might already be available through the ASA and be of interest to student chapters. The committee has been in contact with ASA staff, as well as leaders from the sections and other relevant ASA committees, to identify opportunities. In addition, one of our committee members volunteered to begin a new student chapter in his home country of Nigeria, and the committee will support him in this endeavor.

Also, subteams within the committee are writing two articles about COVID-19. One will focus on the impact of COVID-19 on statistical communities around the world, and the second will focus on the statistical challenges brought about by COVID-19.

Another subteam is looking into starting a website, wiki, or electronic mailing list to compile events and opportunities of interest to international members. This team has been in communication with the ASA’s newly established Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Outreach Group, which has similar efforts in place.

An EA virtual meeting is another initiative we are pursuing this year. We noticed the committee has lost touch with some of the earliest EAs due to the passing of time. We hope that by having a virtual meeting, we can strengthen those relationships and receive feedback on how the committee and ASA in general can be of help to members from other countries. This EA reunion may become a recurrent even in future years.

What are some upcoming events you are most excited about?

I’m excited about the committee members working together to accomplish all the initiatives above! I’m also looking forward to meeting some of the previous educational ambassadors during the EA virtual reunion. I met the 2019 EAs at JSM 2019, but never met any of the earlier EAs (the first EA was selected in 2005).

Any additional information or news you’d like to share about the committee with ASA members?

Please stay tuned for our upcoming articles, and contact me with any questions or thoughts about the committee’s activities. Learn more about the Educational Ambassadors Program and our past EAs.

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One Comment »

  • Mark Otto said:

    With CoViD, the Educational Ambassadors program has been on hold, but the Committee did not sit back. They found and are finding other ways of reaching out and supporting the international community of ASA members and other statisticians as Carolina described above. As Carolina suggested, follow their interesting and important work and contact them if you have ideas or want to help as a friend of the committee.