Submission Instructions
Amstat News welcomes news items and letters from readers about matters of interest to the association and profession. Submit items by the first of the preceding month to ensure appearance in the next issue (e.g., June 1 for the July issue). Amstat News accepts material as text within an email and in DOC, TXT, or PDF format. (LaTeX documents cannot be opened.)
January, May, July, and October issues are online only.
We will edit all articles for style and voice.
Please submit your articles using the ASA Magazine Style Guide, which you can download as a pdf.
A full page is approximately 600 words.
If you would like to see a PDF proof of your article, make the request at the time of submission. Artwork should be sent in color at 300 dpi and in JPG, TIF, or PDF format.
Send your submissions to ASA Communication Manager, Megan Murphy at
Additional Contacts:
Address Changes
Amstat News Editorial
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