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Section a Presence in Workshop and Meeting Sessions

1 April 2010 No Comment
Jun Zhu, ENVR Publications Chair

    The ENVR section hosts the workshop “Space-Time Statistics to Evaluate the Impacts of Climate on Health and Renewable Energy” October 14–16 at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado.

    This workshop covers state-of-the-art applications and statistical methods for assessing the impacts of climate change on health and renewable energy. Sessions on applications include recent advances in climate-change research, impacts on human health, and challenges in development and penetration of renewable energy. The spatiotemporal data collected in health and energy applications present some interesting and challenging statistical problems, such as modeling of space-time correlation, synthesis of data from multiple sources, and assessment of uncertainties. Technical sessions will cover recent developments in space-time statistical methods, Bayesian methodology, and extreme value analysis. A one-day short course will be offered October 14, and there will be a poster session.

    Click here for more information, or contact Amanda S. Hering, Mathematical and Computer Sciences Department, Colorado School of Mines, at ahering@mines.edu, or Bo Li, Department of Statistics, Purdue University, at boli@purdue.edu.

    2010 WNAR/IMS Annual Meeting

    Section members Lisa Ganio and Alix Gitelman have organized two interesting sessions for the 2010 annual meeting of the Western North American Region of the International Biometric Society (WNAR) and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS).

    “Statistical Methods in Forestry.” Speakers will be Ashley Steel, U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; Bianca Eskelson, Oregon State University; and David Marshall, Weyerhaeuser. Discussant will be Ganio, of Oregon State University.

    “Spatial Dependence in Ecological Data.” Speakers will be Gitelman, of Oregon State University; Ganio; Kathi Irvine, Montana State University; and Lisa Madsen, Oregon State University.

    The meeting will be June 20–23 at the Seattle, Washington, campuses of the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Click here for more information.

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