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Conferences of Interest to Section Members

1 November 2010 No Comment
Jun Zhu, ENVR Publications Chair

The XXVth International Biometric Conference
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil
December 5–10, 2010

2011 ENAR Spring Meeting
Miami, Florida
March 20–23, 2011

Conference on Spatial Statistics
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
March 23–25, 2011
Keynote speakers: Martin Schlather (Universität Göttingen, Germany), Noel Cressie (The Ohio State University) and Yong Ge (State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, China)

2011 WNAR/IMS Annual Meeting
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California
June 19–22, 2011
Local organizer: Jimmy Doi, jdoi@calpoly.edu

3rd North American Regional Meeting of the International Environmetrics Society (TIES)
La Crosse, Wisconsin
July 18–20, 2011
This conference will bring together statisticians and quantitative scientists to address recent developments in the analysis of environmental and ecological data. Presentations will focus on statistical topics associated with environmental and ecological data, including avian, climate, fisheries, and forestry data. The theme of the meeting is “Quantitative Methods for the Analysis of Long-Term Monitoring Data.”

2011 TIES Annual General Meeting
Dublin, Ireland
August 21–26, 2011
The International Environmetrics Society (TIES) recently became a section of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), so the TIES 2011 Annual General Meeting will be held in conjunction with the 58th Congress of the ISI. A key feature will be the special theme day, to be held August 24, when papers will be devoted to statistical issues relating to water and water quality. In addition, there will be many sessions with an environmental statistics focus.

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