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Academic Salary Survey

1 December 2011 17,272 views 2 Comments
Keith Crank, ASA Research and Graduate Education Manager

    Table 1 provides salary information for full-time statistics faculty, separated according to the type of institution. Table 2 provides salary information based on type of department. (Biostatistics faculty are not included in either table.) All the quantiles are based on nine-month salaries and rounded to the nearest $100. Information about biostatistics faculty and nonfaculty statisticians and biostatisticians in academic institutions will be provided in a future issue.


    Table 1—2011–2012 Salaries of Academic Statisticians Based on Type of Institution

    Table 1—2011–2012 Salaries of Academic Statisticians Based on Type of Institution


    Table 2—2011–2012 Salaries of Academic Statisticians Based on Type of Department

    Table 2—2011–2012 Salaries of Academic Statisticians Based on Type of Department


    We continue to obtain gender information on the salary survey, as seen in Table 3. For faculty in statistics departments, we reproduce Table 2 for male and female faculty. In some cases, the small numbers prevent us from providing all the values.


    Table 3—2011–2012 Salaries of Full-Time Statistics Faculty in Statistics Departments, by Gender

    Table 3—2011–2012 Salaries of Full-Time Statistics Faculty in Statistics Departments, by Gender

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    • Tyson Holmes said:

      When will the following become available?

      “Information about biostatistics faculty and nonfaculty statisticians and biostatisticians in academic institutions will be provided in a future issue.”

      Thank you.

    • megan (author) said:

      They appeared in the following January issue: http://magazine.amstat.org/blog/2012/01/01/biostat-salary-survey/