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Figure 2: The budgets of the six larger statistical agencies normalized to their FY03 level, along with the GDP deflator to account for inflation. The NCHS annual budgets are normalized (and adjusted for inflation) to the FY05 level, when the current accounting scheme was implemented. The Census Bureau line peaks at 12.65 in FY10. Same source as for Figure 1.

28 May 2013 No Comment

Figure 2: The budgets of the six larger statistical agencies normalized to their FY03 level, along with the GDP deflator to account for inflation. The NCHS annual budgets are normalized (and adjusted for inflation) to the FY05 level, when the current accounting scheme was implemented. The Census Bureau line peaks at 12.65 in FY10. Same source as for Figure 1.

Figure 2: The budgets of the six larger statistical agencies normalized to their FY03 level, along with the GDP deflator to account for inflation. The NCHS annual budgets are normalized (and adjusted for inflation) to the FY05 level, when the current accounting scheme was implemented. The Census Bureau line peaks at 12.65 in FY10. Same source as for Figure 1.

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