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Survey Research Methods News for March 2019

1 March 2019 No Comment

While the section’s main website is on the ASA Community, we needed to set up a separate site for proceedings papers due to changes in ASA policies, so you may need to update your bookmark.

Our section provides free access to the proceedings for the entire history of the Survey Research Methods Section (1978–2017; 2018 will be added later this year), as well as the proceedings from the Social Statistics Section (from which our section separated in 1978) from 1958–1977 and all five International Conference on Establishment Statistics (ICES) meetings (1993–2016). Some of these years are prior to the electronic proceedings available through the ASA (2009–today); section members scanned all earlier papers as a service to survey researchers. 

In addition to the information provided in Amstat News, our section publishes a newsletter every six months. The January 2019 SRMS Newsletter (as well as previous newsletters) can be found on our ASA Community website page. The section also is on Twitter at @srmsasa. Follow us for announcements, news, and updates of interest to survey researchers.

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