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Nominations Open for International Prize in Statistics

1 January 2022 One Comment

The International Prize in Statistics—one of the highest honors in statistics—is awarded every two years to an individual or team “for major achievements using statistics to advance science, technology, and human welfare.”

Nominations for the 2023 International Prize in Statistics are open. When choosing a nominee for the prize, consider the following points:

  • The prize will be awarded for a single work or body of work, rather than for more diffuse reasons such as “lifetime achievement.” Not only should powerful and original ideas be recognized by the prize, but also contributions that lead to breakthroughs in other disciplines or works with important practical effects on the world.
  • Generally, the prize will be awarded to individuals, but in some cases, groups of individuals working on similar ideas—or even teams of individuals or organizations—could be recognized.
  • The recipient(s) must be living at the time of selection for the award.
  • The 2023 prize will be announced in October 2022 and presented at the ISI World Statistics Congress.

A nomination packet consists of the following:

  1. Name, address, phone number, and email address of nominator (person making the nomination)
  2. Name, address, and email address of the candidate (person being nominated)
  3. Nomination statement (maximum of 1,200 words) addressing why the candidate should receive this award (The statement should explain the contributions of the candidate in terms understandable to a non-specialist and indicate the relationship between the nominator and candidate.)
  4. Copy of the candidate’s CV, listing publications, honors, service contributions, etc.
  5. Up to four letters of support (The committee reserves the right to contact the nominator and writers of the support letters to seek additional information and insight.)

Unsuccessful nominations are carried over for one selection cycle (two years). Download the nomination form and email it and related materials to nominations@statprize.org by August 15.

For more information, visit the International Prize in Statistics website.

Previous Winners

Nan Laird photo

Nan Laird

Nan Laird, Harvey V. Fineberg Professor of Biostatistics (Emerita) at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, in recognition of her work on powerful methods that have made possible the analysis of complex longitudinal studies.

Bradley Efron

Bradley Efron

Bradley Efron,
professor of statistics and biomedical data science at Stanford University, in recognition of the “bootstrap,” a method he developed in 1977 for assessing the uncertainty of scientific results that has had extraordinary impact across many scientific fields.

Sir David Cox

Sir David Cox

Sir David Cox,
inaugural recipient of the International Prize in Statistics, Cox is recognized for his 1972 paper in which he developed the proportional hazards model that today bears his name. The Cox Model is widely used in the analysis of survival data and enables researchers to identify the risks of specific factors for mortality or other survival outcomes among groups of patients with very different characteristics.

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One Comment »

  • Gangai Selvi said:

    Very proud prize.