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8th African International Conference Slated for June in Tunisia

1 May 2024 No Comment
Map of Africa showing conference locations in the past.

Locations of the UMBC-ASA African International Conference in Statistics from 2014-2024

    The eighth UMBC-ASA African International Conference in Statistics is set to take place in Hammamet, Tunisia, June 24–28. Hosted by the University of Tunis El Manar, the theme, “Empowering Innovation: Advanced Statistics and Data Science for Sustainable Development in Africa,” underscores the importance of statistical education in driving progress across the continent.

    Led by Bimal Sinha, University of Maryland Baltimore County’s statistics program has overseen this annual conference—which has played a pivotal role in advancing statistical education across Africa, especially in underserved regions—since 2014.

    The inaugural conference was a collaborative effort between UMBC and Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Senegal, and fostered connections that led to subsequent conferences. The sixth conference, in 2019, marked the first time the American Statistical Association partially funded the event. Originally planned for the University of Cape Coast in Ghana in May 2020, the seventh conference was postponed for two years due to the pandemic and eventually held in Marrakesh, Morocco, in June 2023. It upheld the tradition of nurturing discussions about recent statistical methodologies and their practical applications for tackling challenges in Africa. More than 100 scientific papers were presented in three parallel sessions by statisticians from many countries, including PhD students from African nations.

    Statisticians from all over the world have shared their expertise as plenary speakers and participants in parallel sessions, making the conference a truly international event. Additionally, the pre-conference workshop, which concentrates on contemporary statistical topics, has enhanced the skills of junior African statisticians and graduate students.

    For more information about the eighth African International Conference, email Yehenew Kifle.

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