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Practical Significance | Episode 23: Get to Know COSSA!

28 October 2022 No Comment
Practical Significance
Practical Significance
Practical Significance | Episode 23: Get to Know COSSA!

Did you know the ASA is a member of the Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA), a nonprofit advocacy organization working to promote and advance the social and behavioral sciences in federal policymaking? COSSA member benefits are available to all ASA members.

COSSA Executive Director Wendy Naus joins co-hosts Donna LaLonde and Ron Wasserstein for this month’s edition of Practical Significance to discuss the consortium’s mission and initiatives and the impact of its work on ASA members. COSSA offers resources and events like webinars, training, and opportunities to engage with policymakers—which ASA members can tap for their advocacy efforts.

We encourage you to listen in and get to know Wendy and COSSA. She shares her thoughts about the policy challenges ahead for the social science fields, encourages us to advocate on behalf of statistics and data science, and offers a good read.

And don’t miss Ron’s traditional Top 10, “The Top Ten Statistical Terms That Could Be Euphemisms for Death.”

COSSA Resources:
Why Social Science?
The Action Center

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