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Practical Significance | Episode 41: ASA Chapters: Turning the ‘Page’ on Opportunities and Initiatives

30 April 2024 No Comment
Practical Significance
Practical Significance
Practical Significance | Episode 41: ASA Chapters: Turning the 'Page' on Opportunities and Initiatives

The ASA has 70+ regional chapters that organize networking events, provide continuing education, conduct outreach efforts, and promote statistics as a career. They bring local flair to the ASA. By providing support in countless ways, the Council of Chapters Governing Board (COCGB) is the glue that connects chapters with each other and the broader ASA community.

This month, Practical Significance co-hosts Donna LaLonde and Ron Wasserstein bring listeners an audio version of Chapter Chatter, the newsletter for and by chapter members, as they are joined by COCGB chair, Jo Wick, and vice chairs, Jessica Kohlschmidt and Jamie Perrett, to discuss the council’s forward-looking initiatives.

Passionate about their work on the council, this month’s guests share what motivated them to join a chapter and inspired them to take on leadership positions. Wick offers her insight into the role the COCGB plays in supporting chapters, as well as recent initiatives such as the Chapter Reinvigoration and Chapter Visitation programs. Kohlschmidt and Perrett work with individual chapters and share several important projects they have been involved in, including outreach to young people and volunteer recognition.

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