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Practical Significance | Episode: 43 —”Toto, I Have a Feeling We’re Not in Kansas Anymore”— Anticipating JSM 2024

1 July 2024 No Comment
Practical Significance
Practical Significance
Practical Significance | Episode: 43 —"Toto, I Have a Feeling We're Not in Kansas Anymore"— Anticipating JSM 2024

For the first time, the Joint Statistical Meetings—taking place August 3–8—will be held in Portland, Oregon. In anticipation, Practical Significance podcast hosts Donna LaLonde and Ron Wasserstein welcome two special guests: JSM Program Chair Debashis Ghosh and Oregon Chapter President Yuan Jiang, who offer tips for making JSM a professional and personal success.

Ghosh, chair and professor at the Colorado School of Public Health Department of Biostatistics and Informatics, reflects on his experience as the 2024 JSM program chair. While acknowledging the conference’s daunting size, he emphasizes that JSM is a golden opportunity for learning beyond your field and building community. “With community, comes the chance to develop social connections across all sectors, benefiting everyone,” he says.

Jiang, co-director of graduate studies and associate professor at Oregon State University, highlights the Oregon Chapter’s activities this year and shares an insider’s view of what to do and see in Portland. Tip: Portland has more than 500 food trucks, which make it a foodie paradise.

Additionally, both guests offer advice for JSM first-timers and discuss what inspires them to take on volunteer roles within the ASA.

Don’t miss JSM 2024 in Portland, Oregon, August 3–8; there is still time to register!

And you won’t want to miss Ron’s Top 10, in which he offers the “Top Ten Words That Have the Word ‘Ten’ in Them.”

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