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Articles tagged with: doctorate

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[1 Oct 2020 | One Comment | ]
To Get a PhD or Not to Get a PhD?

In graduate school or after, many of us become statistical Hamlets, asking, “to get a PhD or not to get a PhD?” Unable to pull off an acceptable crossover trial, the ASA Committee on Applied Statisticians gives you the experiences of four statisticians who took different paths after their master’s degrees.

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[1 Apr 2019 | One Comment | ]
New Master’s or Doctoral Data Science and Analytics Programs

The proliferation of master’s and doctoral programs in data science and analytics continues. We have profiled many universities; here are five more.

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[1 Mar 2017 | 2 Comments | ]
2016–2017 Academic Salary Survey

The 2016–2017 academic salary survey includes both faculty and nonfaculty statisticians and biostatisticians. We received responses from 59 institutions in the United States. The data included 1,034 faculty and 149 nonfaculty statisticians, with gender information.