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[1 Feb 2016 | One Comment | ]
Gender Balance in ASA Activities Update

This article continues the tradition of looking at the representation of ASA women members among a range of activities supported by the ASA, using more recent data from September 2015. This report was written on behalf of the Committee on Women in Statistics (COWIS) with the primary objective to indicate areas where gender disparities have subsided, as well as highlight those areas where they persist.

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[1 Jul 2012 | Comments Off on Gender Balance in ASA Activities | ]
Gender Balance in ASA Activities

This report explores the gender balance in a variety of activities supported by the American Statistical Association. It highlights areas in which gender disparities have subsided and in which they persist. Results on the latter suggest ASA sections in which women are proportionately represented are not well represented in the ASA awards structure. It suggests that offering awards related to statistics in the life and social sciences may improve the gender balance in awards given by the ASA.