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Mathematics of Sustainability Chosen as MAM 2013 Theme

1 January 2013 2,120 views No Comment

Mathematics Awareness Month is sponsored each year by the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics to recognize the importance of mathematics through written materials and an accompanying poster that highlight mathematical developments and applications in a particular area. This year, Mathematics Awareness Month will focus on the mathematics of sustainability.

Being human means continually balancing our needs with the world’s resources while operating within the laws of nature. Mathematics helps us better understand these complex issues and is used by mathematicians and practitioners in a wide range of fields to seek creative solutions for a sustainable way of life. Society and individuals will need to make challenging choices; mathematics provides us with tools to make informed decisions.

Visit the Mathematics Awareness Month website to find a downloadable poster, theme essays, links to related resources, and a sample press release that can be adapted by mathematics departments to help publicize activities.

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