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Statistics in Epidemiology Section News

2 May 2016 462 views No Comment

The Statistics in Epidemiology Section is beginning a pilot of its new one-on-one mentoring program. Recognizing it can be helpful for junior statisticians to gather feedback and advice from both within and outside of an institution, the section seeks 10 volunteer mentors and 10 volunteer mentees from its membership.

These individuals will be matched and pairs will be notified by June 31. There will be an opportunity for the pairs to meet in person at JSM 2016 in Chicago, and there will be a special occasion for this at the awards ceremony for the section.

Feedback will be gathered by October 1, and a full-scale version of the program will be launched in 2017, if the pilot program proves successful.

Mentees are individuals who wish to grow professionally through a one-on-one professional relationship with a senior statistician as mentor. Benefits include an introduction to the role of a statistician and professional/social contacts with other applied statisticians.

Mentors are supportive individuals who wish to work with a junior statistician and build a long-term relationship by offering guidance, support, and encouragement to cultivate the mentees’ career development. We seek applicants with extensive experience in mentoring junior statisticians or graduate students.

A mentor will be matched with a mentee according to the overlap of their research interests. Interested volunteer mentees should complete the form and send a CV to kjablons@bsc.gwu.edu.

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