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North Carolina Chapter Holds Joint Socials with SAMSI Workshops

1 November 2018 No Comment
North Carolina Chapter members mingle at the close of the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute’s workshop in August.

North Carolina Chapter members mingle at the close of the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute’s workshop in August.

    The North Carolina Chapter coordinated two joint socials in conjunction with the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute’s (SAMSI’s) 2018 program opening workshops in August.

    A social coinciding with the end of the first day of the opening workshop of the Program on Statistical, Mathematical, and Computational Methods for Precision Medicine (PMED) was held in Raleigh. The following week, a social coinciding with the Model Uncertainty: Mathematical and Statistical (MUMS) program’s opening workshop met on Duke’s campus.

    At the socials, visiting statisticians met with area statisticians—including ASA president Lisa LaVange—to enjoy food, drinks, and beautiful weather.

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