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Nominations Sought for Two Co-Editors

13 May 2010 1,256 views No Comment

The American Statistical Association invites nominations and applications for two editors to serve as co-editors of the Journal of the American Statistical Association, Theory and Methods.

Established in 1888 and published quarterly in March, June, September, and December, JASA has long been considered a premier journal of statistical science. The Theory and Methods section publishes articles that make original contributions to the foundations, theoretical development, or methodology of statistics and probability. All submissions are rigorously refereed using a double-blind peer review process.

The new Theory and Methods editors will serve from 2011 through 2014. The current editor will continue to process accepted papers through 2011, so there will be one full year of overlap with the new editors.

Applications should be sent electronically to journals@amstat.org, and should include a curriculum vitae, names of three references, and a letter of interest in the position. This letter should include a brief statement of the candidate’s vision for the publication, directions the candidate would pursue, and contributions she or he would make if selected as editor. Applications should be sent no later than June 4, 2010.

If you know someone who would be right for the co-editorship of this journal, please send that person’s name, email address, and a brief description of his or her qualifications to journals@amstat.org. The search committee will consider your nomination along with others received.

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