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Academic Salary Survey

1 January 2014 2 Comments
J. Lynn Palmer, ASA Director of Programs

Table 1 summarizes salary information for full-time academic faculty in statistics departments by type of institution, title (rank), and years in rank, based on a nine-month salary. Table 2 provides similar information for full-time academic faculty in biostatistics departments, but is based on a 12-month salary.

New tables in this series include Table 3, which focuses on academic faculty in math sciences departments and academic faculty in departments of medicine, including clinical science. Math sciences departments include mathematics and statistics, mathematics, and statistics and computer sciences.

There were 170 requests sent to complete this survey with some duplicates at institutions. Information was received from 76 institutions with information about 1,189 academic faculty members. A report including information about gender distributions for academic faculty and information about non-faculty (who are not included in this report) will be provided in a future issue of Amstat News.





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  • Anonymous said:

    Unfortunately, this survey does not indicate which departments were sampled from. The sampling populations should be broken down according to statistics and biostatistics departments. It seems that this could be done without revealing confidential departmental information.