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Second eCOTS Set for May

1 March 2014 282 views No Comment

The Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics (eCOTS) will take place online from May 19–23. Hosted by the Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education (CAUSE), eCOTS was designed to focus on undergraduate-level statistics education (including AP Statistics) with a target audience of statistics teachers.

eCOTS 2014 includes keynote talks by mathematics and statistics education innovators Conrad Wolfram and Christine Franklin; six two-hour virtual workshops to disseminate NSF-supported statistics education innovations (e.g., game-based learning, randomization-based curriculum, project-based learning, interactive probability education, modeling across the curriculum, and the CATALST curriculum); “birds-of-a-feather” lunchtime discussions; invited and refereed breakout sessions; and virtual posters. All these events will focus on the following three themes of the conference:

1. Teaching from Big Data. What are some of the issues and challenges when it comes to using Big Data for teaching and learning purposes? How can a focus on Big Data change the way we teach statistics? How can we teach data analytic methods that draw insights from massive data?

2. The Impact of the Common Core. How can we better prepare, at the college level, future teachers of statistics at all levels (K–16)? How must teachers be prepared to deal with the Common Core State Standards? Further, how should the teaching of statistics at the college level change in light of changes in the K–12 statistics curriculum?

3. Bridging the Disciplines. How can we enhance the centrality of statistics across the disciplines? What can we take from other disciplines to create a more positive learning experience for our students? How can we connect with other disciplines and forge relationships with these disciplines that will be mutually beneficial? How might we create valuable learning experiences for students that will prepare them to work in multidisciplinary teams?

The conference website is where you will find details and online registration. The registration fee for attending eCOTS is $25 and includes all sessions. If you have questions about the eCOTS program, contact CAUSE Director Dennis Pearl at pearl.1@osu.edu.

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