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10 ASA Members Selected as AAAS Fellows

1 January 2016 868 views No Comment

In October, the American Association for the Advancement of Science council elected 347 members as fellows. These individuals will be recognized for their contributions to science and technology at the fellows forum during the AAAS annual meeting in Washington, DC. The new fellows received a certificate and a blue and gold rosette as a symbol of their distinguished accomplishments.

Rosette Image

The ASA members elected as fellows to AAAS include the following:

Michael Paul Cohen, American Institutes for Research: For significant statistical research, especially methods for designing large-scale federal surveys, and for fostering interdisciplinary communication through many years of generous service to professional societies.

Bruce A. Craig, Purdue University: For important contributions to science through collaboration between the biological sciences and statistics and for administrative leadership and mentoring in statistical consulting and collaboration.

Thomas A. DiPrete, Columbia University: For distinguished contributions to sociology, particularly in the fields of stratification and social inequality, sociology of education, and statistical methodology.

Patricia A. Jacobs, Naval Postgraduate School: For career accomplishments in applied probability and statistical methods supporting national security and as a dedicated educator of future strategic leaders.

Alan F. Karr, RTI International: For outstanding leadership and distinguished contributions to interdisciplinary statistical research, particularly for theoretical point processes, data confidentiality, and software reliability.

Stephen Portnoy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: For contributions to asymptotic theory and quantile processes, leadership in the development of robust regression methods, and for building significant collaborations between statistical sciences and ecology.

James Matthew Robins, Harvard University: For extraordinary and distinguished development of the entire field of causal inference, particularly marginal structural models, mediation analyses, time-dependent confounding, and doubly robust estimation techniques.

Daniel O. Stram, Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern California: For development and application of innovative statistical procedures for laboratory, clinical, and field studies and for signature collaborations in genomics, cancer treatment, and radiation effects.

Chih-Ling Tsai, University of California, Davis: For distinguished contributions to statistical theory and application, particularly for regression and time series model selection as well as dimension reduction, and for excellence in teaching.

Alyson G. Wilson, North Carolina State University: For research contributions to Bayesian reliability and for a commitment to strengthening the scientific underpinnings of national security through significant statistical innovations and leadership.

The entire list can be viewed at the AAAS website.

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