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Q&P Outlines Focus Areas for 2021

1 December 2020 897 views No Comment
Richard L. Warr, Q&P Section Chair-Elect

    The Quality and Productivity (Q&P) Section executive committee met on October 28 to discuss areas of focus for 2021. Among the items discussed were areas going well for the section, possible areas of growth and outreach, and a few areas needing attention.

    Currently, the section has all key leadership positions filled with active participants. It is healthy financially, and its income usually covers its expenses each year with some savings growth. However, the section has struggled with communication and keeping an up-to-date list of people who are serving in various capacities. Significant effort over the past two years has identified the current Q&P roles with those who are filling those positions; however, a systematic approach should be adopted. Additionally, there are upcoming changes in the duties of the treasurer that should be addressed.

    The following focus areas were identified for 2021:

    1. Update the section operating manual. This manual is roughly 19 years old and needs an update to account for the changes in the community and facilitate efficient operation of the section. Specifically, some position descriptions in the section should be created, updated, or eliminated. The goal of this effort is to streamline the operations of the section.
    2. Redefine the meeting venues for the annual strategic and tactical planning meetings. With the rapid spread and acceptance of teleconferencing in 2020, we have the opportunity to be more inclusive, take less time, and save significant expenses when conducting annual meetings. The current manual directs the strategic planning meeting should occur at QPRC each year. We agreed that holding this meeting within a few weeks of QPRC would be beneficial; however, we should no longer require attendance be tied to QPRC attendance (although QPRC attendance is still encouraged). The same decision was made for the tactical planning meeting that has historically been held in conjunction with JSM.
    3. The duties of the treasurer position are the most complex in the section. The current treasurer (Sharad Prabhu) has served many years and performed admirably. He knows the position well; however, as the complexity of the position is likely to increase, it is prudent to create an assistant treasurer position to assist and possibly grow into the treasurer position. We will explore the possibility of creating this position.
    4. To better facilitate communication, we will attempt to create a regularly scheduled time for section executive committee meetings, held every two months. Additionally, we will explore the possibility of creating position email accounts to facilitate continuity as transitions occur.
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