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SRMS Schedules Last Spring Webinar, Announces JSM Program

1 June 2012 No Comment
John Finamore, SRMS Publication Officer, and Michael D. Larsen, SRMS Program Chair

    The last webinar of the spring SRMS webinar series will take place this month when Frauke Kreuter of the University of Michigan presents “Paradata to Monitor and Analyze Survey Processes.” The webinar will provide an overview of the potential of paradata for social survey research and introduce methodological issues involved in the collection and analysis of paradata. In addition, research examples will be discussed.

    Survey data are increasingly collected through computer-assisted modes. As a result, a new class of data called paradata is available to survey methodologists. Typical examples are key-stroke files, capturing navigation through the questionnaire, and time stamps, providing information such as date and time of each call attempt or the length of a question-answer sequence. Other examples are interviewer observations about a sampled household or neighborhood, recordings of vocal properties of the interviewer and respondent, and information about interviewers and interviewing strategies. While the type of available paradata varies by mode, all are a byproduct of the data-collection process capturing information about that process.

    Kreuter is associate professor at the Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM) and faculty associate at the Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan. Before joining the University of Maryland, she held a postdoc in the statistics department at the University of California at Los Angeles. She is co-author of Data Analysis Using Stata, associate editor of the Journal of Official Statistics and Survey Research Methods, the official journal of the European Survey Research Association. She has published extensively on the use of paradata for nonresponse adjustment. In her work at JPSM, she maintains strong ties to the federal statistical system and has served in adviser roles for the National Center for Educational Statistics and Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    Information about the webinar series, including registration information for upcoming courses, can be found on the ASA’s website. There is a modest fee for each webinar that varies depending on the length of the presentation, which is typically two hours, and expected audience. Each registration is allowed one web connection and one audio buy ativan no prescription connection, though multiple people can view each registered connection. Handouts are made available a couple of business days before the presentation.

    JSM 2012 Contributed Sessions and Poster Session

    The 2012 Joint Statistical Meetings in San Diego, California, should be an exciting meeting for members of SRMS, which will sponsor one poster session and 21 contributed sessions. Each presentation session has six or seven talks, which translates into one or two topic-contributed sessions per available time slot. Following are the titles of the paper sessions:

    • Address-Based, RDD and Cell Phone, and Respondent-Driven Sampling
    • Developments in Survey Design and Implementation
    • Measuring Nonresponse and Other Nonsampling Errors in Surveys
    • Address-Based, Telephone RDD, and Cell Phone Sampling
    • Tree-Based Methods for Missing Data and Evaluation of Missingness Mechanisms
    • Incentives, Response Rates, and Response Options in Surveys
    • Retention, Attrition, and Respondent Burden
    • Small-Area Estimation: Benchmarking and Hierarchical Models
    • Health, Hospital, and Patient Surveys
    • Administrative Data, Record Linkage, and Latent Class Models
    • Surveys of Children, Students, and Schools
    • Small-Area Estimation: Applications and Enhanced Methods
    • Measurement, Survey Quality, and Interviewers
    • Calibration Estimation and Weighting in Sample Surveys
    • Survey Measurement and Redesign
    • Stratification and Other Survey Sampling Theory
    • Advances in Multiple Imputation Methodology
    • Regression Estimators for Survey Sampling
    • Imputation Methods for Sample Surveys
    • Variance Estimation in Sample Surveys
    • Nonresponse Adjustment and Advances in Post-Stratification

    The section’s program chair organizes the sessions submitted into sessions by topic. Of course, there is an element of judgment and compromise in putting together these sessions. An alternative is for a member of the ASA to organize a topic-contributed session. Organizing a session is a way to group related talks, be more visible in the program, and receive more time to present. It makes organizing the final program a lot easier for the program chair when members make the effort to find speakers, discussants, and chairs for sessions.

    For JSM 2013, plan on organizing topic-contributed sessions in the fall for submission earlier than the February 1 speaker abstract deadline. Topic-contributed sessions have five presentations by authors and a discussant. Watch for an announcement from the ASA and SRMS about the deadline and organize your sessions early to avoid confusion as the deadline approaches. The SRMS program chair for JSM 2013 is Kreuter.

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