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SPAIG Sponsors Informative Session in San Diego

1 November 2012 No Comment
From left: Barry Nussbaum, SPAIG chair; Sastry Pantula, director of the National Science Foundation’s Division of Mathematical Sciences and ASA past president; Tony Lachenbruch, ASA past president; Robert M. Groves, U.S. Census Bureau director; Chris Holloman, a 2011 SPAIG award winner; and Morteza Marzjarani, session organizer/chair. Missing from the picture is Marie Davidian, 2012 ASA president-elect.

From left: Barry Nussbaum, SPAIG chair; Sastry Pantula, director of the National Science Foundation’s Division of Mathematical Sciences and ASA past president; Tony Lachenbruch, ASA past president; Robert M. Groves, U.S. Census Bureau director; Chris Holloman, a 2011 SPAIG award winner; and Morteza Marzjarani, session organizer/chair. Missing from the picture is Marie Davidian, 2012 ASA president-elect.

Statistical Partnerships among Academe, Industry, and Government (SPAIG) offered an informative invited session titled “The Impact of Collaborations Between Academe and Business/Industry/Government on the Profession” during JSM in San Diego. Speakers and their talks included the following:

Peter (Tony) Lachenbruch of Oregon State University, Introduction to Regulatory Statistics: Principles for Drug Approval at FDA

Marie Davidian of North Carolina State University, Partnerships to Engage and Train the Next Generation: Challenges and Opportunities

Sastry G. Pantula of the National Science Foundation, SMACS: Invisible Sciences with Impeccable Impact

Chris H. Holloman of The Ohio State University, Thomas A. Bishop of The Ohio State University, and Wes Hunt of Nationwide Insurance, Application of the Shewhart Philosophy and Methodology to Create Insights from Analytics

Robert M. Groves of the U.S. Census Bureau, Nurturing Research and Recruitment Partnerships Between a Federal Statistical Agency and Academic Teams

For more information, contact Morteza Marzjarani at marzjara@svsu.edu.

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