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Biometrics Section Readies JSM Program

1 June 2013 No Comment
Edited by Feifei Wei, Biometrics Section Publications Officer

    The Biometrics Section will sponsor six Continuing Education (CE) courses and six invited sessions at the 2013 Joint Statistical Meetings in Montréal, Canada. The titles, instructors, and organizers are given below.

    CE Courses

    • Statistical Methods in Genetic Association Studies, taught by Danyu Lin of The University of North Carolina
    • Personalized Medicine and Dynamic Treatment Regimes, taught by Michael Kosorok of The University of North Carolina and Eric Labler of North Carolina State University
    • Analysis of Interval-Censored Survival Data, taught by Philip Hougaard of Lundbeck
    • Statistical Methods for Medical Imaging Analysis, taught by Hongtu Zhu and Haipeng Shen of The University of North Carolina
    • Statistical Evaluation of Prognostic Biomarkers, taught by Patrick J. Heagerty of the University of Washington and Paramita Saha-Chaudhuri of Duke University
    • Practical Software Engineering for Statisticians, taught by Murray Stokely of Google

    Invited Sessions

    • Current Statistical Issues in Comparative Effectiveness Research, organized by Haibo Zhou of The University of North Carolina
    • Dynamic Treatment Regimes and Adaptive Designs Toward Personalized Health Care, organized by Lu Wang of the University of Michigan
    • Emerging Statistical Methods for Big Data, organized by Ping Ma of the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
    • Frontiers in Longitudinal and Survival Data Analysis, organized by Gang Li of the University of California at Los Angeles
    • Big Data, Big Impact When Statistics Matter, organized by Ching-Ti Liu of Boston University
    • Questions in Cancer Research: What Are the Most Pressing Statistical Problems?, organized by Michelle Dunn of the National Cancer Institute

    For information about locations and times, visit the online program.

    Mixer and Business Meeting

    Please join us at the Biometrics Section Mixer and Business Meeting during JSM 2013 on August 5, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Not only is it an excellent networking opportunity, but the 2013 David P. Byar Young Investigator Award and section travel awards will be presented at the mixer, which is open to all JSM attendees. We hope to see you there!

    ENAR 2014

    It is time to think about invited sessions for ENAR 2014, which will be held March 16–19 in Baltimore, Maryland. Anyone interested in organizing an invited session or who has ideas for one should contact the section’s 2014 Biometrics Section representative, Jason Roy, at jaroy@mail.med.upenn.edu.

    A typical session consists of three 30-minute talks, followed by a discussion or four 25-minute talks. June 22 is the deadline for proposals. It is best if you have a well-defined topic and commitments from participants by that time. The more detailed the proposal, the more likely it is to be selected in this highly competitive process.

    JSM 2014

    It is also time to start thinking about invited sessions for next year’s Joint Statistical Meetings, which will be held August 2–7 in Boston, Massachusetts. Anyone interested in organizing an invited session or who has ideas for one should contact the section’s 2014 program chair, Jonathan Schildcrout, at jonathan.schildcrout@vanderbilt.edu.

    A typical invited session consists of three 30-minute talks, followed by a 10-minute invited discussion and 10 minutes of floor discussion. However, other formats are possible. The 2013 program is a good source for examples.

    Remember, the most mature ideas will have an advantage in competing for the limited number of slots, so it’s best to have your ideas in final form by the middle of June. The Biometrics Section will have at least four invited sessions, but will be able to compete for additional slots.

    Finally, also submit ideas for short courses to the section’s 2013–2014 Continuing Education chair, Donglin Zeng, at dzeng@email.unc.edu.

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