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Nominations Sought for Zelen Leadership Award

1 August 2013 368 views No Comment

The department of biostatistics at the Harvard School of Public Health named John J. Crowley the recipient of the 2013 Marvin Zelen Leadership Award in Statistical Science. Crowley, group statistician and director of the statistical center for the Southwest Oncology Group and president and CEO of Cancer Research and Biostatistics delivered a lecture titled “A Brief History of Survival Analysis” on May 24 at Harvard University.

Supported by Marvin Zelen’s colleagues, friends, and family, the Marvin Zelen Leadership Award in Statistical Science was established to honor his role in shaping the biostatistics field. Individuals in government, industry, or academia who have influenced the theory and practice of statistical science by virtue of their outstanding leadership are eligible. While individual accomplishments are considered, the most distinguishing criterion is the nominee’s contribution to the creation of an environment in which statistical science and its applications flourish. The award recipient delivers a public lecture on statistical science at the Harvard School of Public Health and is presented with a citation and honorarium.

Nominations for the 2014 award—to be given in May/June 2014—must be received by December 1 and should be sent to the Marvin Zelen Leadership Award Committee, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health, 655 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02115 or via email to vbeaulie@hsph.harvard.edu. Include a letter describing the contributions of the candidate, specifically highlighting the criteria for the award, and a curriculum vitae. Supporting letters and materials would be extremely helpful to the committee.

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