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The ASA Community Is Growing

1 January 2014 No Comment

Don’t miss your opportunity to connect

The ASA Community, the members-only online network, has undergone a makeover. You will now see:

  • Updated Homepage – We have simplified the community to make it easier for you to find what you need. Quickly navigate to your communities of interest, see the latest discussions and upcoming events, and read interesting member blogs. Check the community often for ASA announcements and the opportunity to connect instantly!
  • Your Profile – Customize your personal profile by connecting directly with LinkedIn to import your information into the community.
  • Event Calendar and Event Manager – Search for events by keyword.
  • Backend Enhancements – Data-heavy pages, such as discussion thread lists, now load faster.

The ASA Community is available to all ASA members. Interact with members who share your statistical area of interest or are on the same career path as you are. Every ASA chapter, section, and committee has its very own community. Join discussions, see upcoming events, and keep up to date with all that is going on with an increasingly active and engaged ASA.

Get started today:

  • Customize your profile and preferences
  • Upload a photo and tell us about yourself
  • Adjust your subscriptions
  • Start a discussion

Connect today at the ASA Community website and help grow the ASA Community! Look for a general interest discussion group this year. We welcome your feedback; please send questions and suggestions to Kalil@amstat.org.

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