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Recognizing the ASA’s Lifetime Members

1 February 2014 2 Comments

The American Statistical Association would like to thank its lifetime members. We are grateful to the following members for their distinguished and faithful membership. Your lifetime membership in the ASA demonstrates your commitment to our association and to statistics. Lifetime membership includes all benefits of regular ASA membership and is intended for those who wish to continue the benefits of ASA membership with one final payment.

If you are a lifetime member and your name is not below and you believe it should be included, contact Amy Farris at amy@amstat.org to correct your record.

Bovas Abraham
Lee R. Abramson
Michael A. Adena
Mohammad Ahsanullah
Edoardo M. Airoldi
Jack Alanen
Mir Masoom Ali
Francis B. Alt
Kathryn H. Anderson
Virgil L. Anderson
Barry C. Arnold
James N. Arvesen
Arlene S. Ash
Joseph R. Assenzo
Anthony C. Atkinson
Barbara A. Bailar
John C. Bailar, III
Vincent P. Barabba
John J. Bartko
Noel S. Bartlett
Asit P. Basu
David L. Bayless
Gerald J. Beck
Carl A. Bennett
Donald L. Bentley
Jan Beran
James O. Berger
Richard A. Berk
Jose Miguel Bernardo
U. Narayan Bhat
Peter J. Bickel
Roger Bilisoly
Lynne Billard
Christopher Bingham
William C. Blackwelder
Peter Bloomfield
Steven D. Blotner
Carol Joyce Blumberg
Brent A. Blumenstein
Thomas J. Boardman
Mary Ellen Bock
Ulf Bockenholt
Jean-Louis Bodin
Donald J. Bogue
Robert J. Boik
Sudip Bose
Kimiko O. Bowman
John E. Boyer
Gordon J. Brackstone
Norman Breslow
Patrick L. Brockett
Peter J. Brockwell
Lawrence D. Brown
Cavell Brownie
Charles R. Buncher
Kenneth P. Burnham
Steven G. Buyske
Lynda T. Carlson
Promod K. Chandhok
Robert L. Chastain
David Cheesman
Ming-Hui Chen
Yinpu Chen
Michael R. Chernick
George Y.H. Chi
Yu-Kun Chiang
Joan Sander Chmiel
Joseph J. Chmiel
James R. Chromy
Constance F. Citro
William S. Cleveland
George W. Cobb
Jerry L. Coffey
Michael P. Cohen
Margaret Conomos
Noel A. Cressie
Larry H. Crow
Jonathan D. Cryer
William G. Cumberland
Herbert A. David
Martin H. David
Beth K. Dawson
Angela M. Dean
Roger L. Deaton
Timothy A. DeRouen
Thomas F. Devlin
Jay L. Devore
David A. Dickey
Francis X. Diebold
Paula H. Diehr
Cathryn S. Dippo
Dennis O. Dixon
Philip M. Dixon
Fred C. Djang
Robert M. Dorazio
Alan H. Dorfman
Zubin Dowlaty
Norman R. Draper
Wei Du
Naihua Duan
Satya D. Dubey
Vanja M. Dukic
William H. DuMouchel
George T. Duncan
Joseph W. Duncan
Douglas M. Dunn
William D. Dupont
Benjamin S. Duran
Arthur M. Dutton
Robert G. Easterling
Keith R. Eberhardt
Marlene J. Egger
Janet D. Elashoff
Gregory Enas
Katherine B. Ensor
Eugene P. Ericksen
William B. Fairley
Valerii V. Fedorov
Luisa T. Fernholz
Stephen E. Fienberg
James Allen Fill
David F. Findley
Dianne M. Finkelstein
David John Finney
Alan B. Forsythe
Ben F. Fort Jr.
Murray F. Foss
Mary A. Foulkes
Martin R. Frankel
Spencer Mike Free Jr.
Spencer M. Free, III
Edward L. Frome
Carol Holly E. Fuchs
Mitchell H. Gail
Turkan K. Gardenier
Joseph L. Gastwirth
Charles E. Gates
Donald P. Gaver
David W. Gaylor
Nancy L. Geller
Andrew Gelman
James E. Gentle
Jane F. Gentleman
Stephen L. George
Malay Ghosh
Jean D. Gibbons
Dorothy M. Gilford
Dennis C. Gilliland
Zvi Gilula
A. Blanton Godfrey
Judith D. Goldberg
Arnold F. Goodman
James H. Goodnight
Sander Greenland
Sat N. Gupta
Sudhir Chand Gupta
Yesvy Gustasp
Donald Guthrie
Harold S. Haller
Marc Hallin
Martin A. Hamilton
Chien-Pai Han
Lynne B. Hare
Ofer Harel
Douglas M. Hawkins
Lee-Ann C. Hayek
Xuming He
Zhuoqiong Chong He
Martha S. Hearron
James J. Heckman
Daniel F. Heitjan
Thomas Herzog
Tim Hesterberg
Thomas P. Hettmansperger
Fred J. Hickernell
William J. Hill
Bruce Hoadley
David C. Hoaglin
Robert V. Hogg
Donald R. Hoover
Joel Lawrence Horowitz
Feifang Hu
J. Stuart Hunter
Mohammad F. Huque
Huynh Huynh
Boris Iglewicz
Ronald L. Iman
M. Irshadullah
Satish Iyengar
Atul Jain
Sreenivasa Rao Jammalamadaka
Jean G. Jenkins
Depeng Jiang
B. Alan Johnson
Dallas E. Johnson
Richard A. Johnson
Iain M. Johnstone
Ian T. Jolliffe
Richard Hunn Jones
Michael I. Jordan
Joseph B. Kadane
Henry D. Kahn
Lee D. Kaiser
Balvant K. Kale
Graham Kalton
David Kane
Marvin A. Kastenbaum
Shriniwas K. Katti
Gordon M. Kaufman
Jon R. Kettenring
Kyu-Seong Kim
KyungMann Kim
Benjamin F. King
Samuel King
Elizabeth S. King-Sloan
Ryotaro Luther Kishi
John C. Klensin
Gary G. Koch
Hira L. Koul
Karol Krotki
Michael H. Kutner
Peter A. (Tony) Lachenbruch
Nan Laird
Edward Lakatos
Lynn Roy LaMotte
Kuang-Kuo G. Lan
James M. Landwehr
Kinley Larntz
Eugene M. Laska
Philip T. Lavin
Michael Lavine
Carl Lee
Kerry L. Lee
Klaus W. Lemke
Fred C. Leone
Peter E. Leone
Jun Li
Junfang Li
Hua Liang
Keh-Shin Lii
Lawrence I-Kuei Lin
Bruce G. Lindsay
Yuhlong Lio
Roderick Joseph Little
Yufeng Liu
Andrew W. Lo
William R. Loeffler
Ron Loser
Joseph F. Lucke
Steven N. MacEachern
Ian B. MacNeill
Charles R. Mann
Nancy R. Mann
Clyde F. Martin
Madhuchhanda Mazumdar
Paul W. McCracken
Allan L. McCutcheon
Lyman L. McDonald
John D. McKenzie Jr.
William Q. Meeker Jr.
Cyrus R. Mehta
Xiao-Li Meng
Sung-Joon Min
Reza Modarres
Ronald D. Moen
German R. Molina
David S. Moore
Jerry L. Moreno
Chris Moriarity
June Morita
Donald F. Morrison
John W. Morse
Sally C. Morton
Jack Moshman
Lawrence H. Moulton
Effat A. Moussa
Ursula Mueller-Harknett
Robb J. Muirhead
Madhuri Mulekar
Susan A. Murphy
Jack Nadler
Bin Nan
Subhash C. Narula
Tapan K. Nayak
Larry Alan Nelson
Margaret A. Nemeth
John Neter
Daniel S. Nettleton
Xufeng Niu
Barry D. Nussbaum
Judith Rich O’Fallon
W. Michael O’Fallon
Terence John O’Neill
Robert L. Obenchain
Ann W. Olmsted
J. Keith Ord
Willis L. Owen
Sastry G. Pantula
Robert P. Parker
Victor Patrangenaru
Karl E. Peace
Jon K. Peck
Syd Peel
Daniel Pena
Liang Peng
David W. Peterson
Linda Williams Pickle
Walter W. Piegorsch
Stephen L. Portnoy
John W. Pratt
Peihua Qiu
Peiyong Annie Qu
Dana Quade
Adrian E. Raftery
Calyampudi R. Rao
Scott J. Richter
Robert H. Riffenburgh
Rosemary A. Roberts
Bruce E. Rodda
John E. Rolph
Harry M. Rosenberg
Joan R. Rosenblatt
N. Phillip Ross
Donald B. Rubin
Barbara F. Ryan
Thomas P. Ryan
Julia Sabella
David S. Salsburg
Allan R. Sampson
Douglas A. Samuelson
Thomas J. Santner
A. M. Santos
Tosiya Shun Sato
Nathan E. Savin
John W. Sawyer Jr.
Richard L. Scheaffer
David Schenker
Nathaniel Schenker
Fritz J. Scheuren
Jerald S. Schindler
Christopher H. Schmid
David A. Schoenfeld
William R. Schucany
John R. Schultz
Eugene F. Schuster
Armin Schwartzman
Neil C. Schwertman
Robert J. Serfling
Jolayne W. Service
Jayaram Sethuraman
James Rufus Shackleford, III
Gary M. Shapiro
Xiaotong Shen
Sanjay Shete
Jianjun Shi
Miles Edward Simpson
Odesh Singh
Nozer D. Singpurwalla
Joseph N. Skwish
William Boyce Smith
Robert T. Smythe
Ronald D. Snee
Karen L. Snowdon-Way
Victor Solo
Daniel L. Solomon
Ehsan S. Soofi
Terence P. Speed
Randall K. Spoeri
Robert R. Starbuck
Barbara Stevens
Don L. Stevens Jr.
Miron L. Straf
Donna F. Stroup
John Stufken
Moon W. Suh
Dongchu Sun
Fengzhu Sun
Jiayang Sun
Robert Sutherland
Paul Switzer
Makram Talih
Wai-Yuan Tan
Zhiqiang Tan
Boxin Tang
Robert L. Taylor
Marcia A. Testa
Anthony D. Thrall
T. Siva Tian
Barbara C. Tilley
Chris P. Tsokos
Bruce W. Turnbull
N. Scott Urquhart
Gerald van Belle
David A. Van Dyk
Lonnie C. Vance
Stephen B. Vardeman
Joseph S. Verducci
James P. Vere
Bryan T. Vinyard
Grace Wahba
Stephen D. Walter
Matthew P. Wand
Hong-Long Wang
Mei Wang
Naisyin Wang
Yazhen Wang
James F. Ward
Barbara Warsavage
Stanley Wasserman
Ann E. Watkins
Gregory H. Watson
Daniel E. Weeks
Edward J. Wegman
William W. S. Wei
Bruce S. Weir
Herbert I. Weisberg
Robert E. Weiss
Roy E. Welsch
Tore Wentzel-Larsen
Mike West
Donald J. Wheeler
Leland Wilkinson
William H. Williams
Robert L. Winkler
Wing-Hung Wong
George G. Woodworth
Robert F. Woolson
Jun Yan
Lijian Yang
Song Yang
Tzy-Jyun Yao
Zhiliang Ying
Dennis L. Young
Linda J. Young
Ming Yuan
Lianng Yuh
Douglas A. Zahn
Judith E. Zeh
Cun-Hui Zhang
Heping Zhang
Kai Zhang
Tong Zhang
Hongyu Zhao
Ji Zhu
Eric R. Ziegel

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  • Mahmoud Daneshmand said:

    I am surprised, I expected ASA, define “the lifetime member” first

  • megan (author) said:

    Thank you for your comment! Lifetime membership includes all benefits of regular ASA membership and is intended for those who wish to continue the benefits of ASA membership with one final payment.

    Life-Active is available to individuals who are at least 50 or older and active in the profession. This membership is intended for those who wish to continue the benefits of ASA membership, including discounts on journals, meetings, and other products and services.

    Life-Fellow is available to ASA Fellows who are 65 or older or who are fully retired regardless of age.

    Visit the ASA Individual Membership Option page for details https://www.amstat.org/eseries/scriptcontent/BeWeb/Join/Individual/App/index.cfm?fuseaction=ShowApp