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Statistics and the Environment Section to Participate in JSM Activities

28 March 2014 No Comment

The Statistics and the Environment (ENVR) section is sponsoring the following invited, topic-contributed, and roundtable sessions at the 2014 Joint Statistical Meetings in Boston, Massachusetts:

Invited Sessions
  • Environmental Monitoring Using Networks of Sensors, organized by Marian Scott
  • Statistics for Wind Energy, organized by Marc Genton
  • Spatiotemporal Modeling and Control of Infectious Diseases and Invasive Species, organized by Brian Reich
  • Estimation and Testing Problems in Large Spatial Data Sets and Their Applications, organized by Sucharita Ghosh
  • Stochastic Modeling of Meteorological Variables and Weather Generators, organized by Ying Sun
  • Challenges in Environmental Risk Assessment, organized by Jing Zhang
  • Penalized Regression and Variable Selection for Spatially Dependent Data: Theory and Methods, organized by Rajib Paul
  • Recent Advances in Statistics on a Spherical Domain, organized by Stefano Castruccio
  • ENVR Student Paper Awards Session, organized by Elizabeth Mannshardt
Roundtable Discussions
  • Pushing the Limits of Spatial Extreme Value Analysis, led by Brian Reich
  • Changepoints: The Need to Homogenize Environmental Data, led by Robert Lund

Student Paper Competition Results

The selection committee recently announced Won Chang of Penn State University as the winner of this year’s competition for “Fast Dimension-Reduced Climate Model Calibration.”

Visit the Statistics and the Environment Section website for information.

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