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ASA Board of Directors Candidates

1 March 2015 1,738 views No Comment

The ASA announces the selection of candidates for the 2015 election. The winning candidates’ terms will begin in 2016. Make sure to look for your ballots in your email inbox and vote early. Voting begins at midnight EDT on March 13 and ends at 11:59 p.m. PDT on May 1. Complete candidate biographies can be read here.


John Eltinge, Bureau of Labor Statistics

    John-Eltinge The statistical community is encountering extraordinary opportunities and challenges that have arisen from changes in the scope, scale, and nature of available data; increased needs of stakeholders for high-quality statistical information; and related developments in Big Data and data science. As the largest group of statisticians in the world, the ASA plays a critical role in responding to these changes through its mission to promote the practice and profession of statistics.

    I feel honored to be nominated as a candidate for president of the ASA. If elected, I would heartily welcome the views of all members about ways in which the ASA can best fulfill its mission.

    Based on conversations to date with a wide range of members from academia, government, and the private sector, I believe four areas will fit especially well with the ongoing ASA strategic plan and its dual emphasis on the ASA as the Big Tent for Statistics and increasing the visibility of the profession.

    Expand Opportunities for Training and Professional Development. As the program chair for the 2003 Joint Statistical Meetings, in subsequent ASA committee work, and as the advisor for five PhD and 10 MS students, I have observed firsthand the strong contributions the ASA and its partner societies make to the professional development of statisticians, especially in early-career stages. Recently, I have been especially excited to see those efforts expand beyond technical skills to include statistical leadership areas like active listening, communication, and organizational acumen. The ASA should continue to strengthen its work in all of these areas.

    Respond Constructively to Changes in Career Paths and Working Environments. Over the past two decades, career paths and working environments have changed for many statisticians. For example, traditional lifetime employment has become less common and organizational structures have become more fluid. In addition, expansions of application areas have led statisticians to work with colleagues who hold diverse views on transparency and intellectual-property issues related to statistical methodology and data. The ASA can help our members thrive amidst this changing environment. For example, we should expand the recent initiative on mentoring, and we should foster greater collaboration across subfields.

    ASA sections and chapters can make important contributions in both of these areas. For instance, when president of the Washington Statistical Society, I was constantly impressed by the efforts of members to foster a strong sense of community, to share insights with colleagues, and to ensure that statistical practice met the highest ethical standards.

    Continue to Strengthen Communication with the Broader Scientific Community, Media, and General Public. The ASA has made long-standing contributions to communication with the media and general public regarding statistical features of controversies in science, health, and public policy. In addition, the ASA recently has pursued deeper interactions with our peers in other professions (e.g., through Section U of AAAS). The ASA should explore ways in which to do even more in these areas.

    Enhance Research and Teaching in Applications and Theory. This statement began with the expanded scope and impact of statistical applications. That phenomenon has arisen from a variety of factors, including high-quality teaching and research by many dedicated statisticians. The ASA should extend previous initiatives on teaching at the pre-college, undergraduate, and graduate levels. Also, in previous work on the Committee on Publications and as an associate editor for four journals, I have developed a sincere appreciation for the ways in which sound editorial processes can deepen and accelerate scientific progress. It will be important for the ASA to continue its strong tradition of research journals in statistical theory and applications in health, economics, engineering, education, public policy, and other areas.


    Barry Nussbaum, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

      Barry-Nussbaum As soon as the verdict was announced, I knew becoming a statistician was the best decision I ever made. Judge Finch ordered a major auto manufacturer to recall 208,000 cars for excessive emissions all based on my statistical testimony and my sample of 10 cars. Yes, just 10 cars. It was a moment that illustrated the mind-boggling power of statistics; in this case, a basic statistical sampling plan to affect a cleaner environment. That’s what it’s all about: using statistical methods to improve the quality of life in terms of health care, transportation, security, economy, justice, education, the environment, and much more. This is the reason I would be honored to serve as the American Statistical Association’s 112th president.

      My own background is a study in differences, or variances, to statisticians. My parents were refugees—one arriving in New York, the other via Shanghai. My synagogue is located in Washington’s Chinatown. My dissertation advisor was from India. My professors debated frequentist vs. Bayesian. This taught me to value and embrace diversity and the importance of the ASA’s welcoming Big Tent. From this variance, as ASA president, I intend to bring our discipline together, concentrating on the following four major areas:

      Engagement. The ASA has broad membership across academic, government, and industry sectors. Membership crosses cultures, ethnicities, age groups, orientations, geographic locations, genders, and applications. Now is the time to be more than the sum of the parts. For several years, I have chaired the ASA Committee on Statistical Partnerships among Academe, Industry, and Government (SPAIG). Leadership of this committee reinforced my conviction in the power of collaboration. We need all these disparate communities to better coordinate their activities. I would proactively initiate specific forums to foster this coordination.

      Youth. We have to impress upon our youth that this noble profession is interesting, enlightening, useful, gratifying, and increasingly in demand. Google’s chief economist called statistics the sexy profession for the 21st century. Now there’s a selling point! But I would work actively to engage entities such as the Museum of Mathematics to include statistical displays. Currently, it is the null set in this regard.

      Communication. We must improve our communication to nonstatisticians and launch renewed efforts to demystify our field. Not only do we need to be seen and heard, but also understood. This is particularly important in the age of Big Data. It is crucial to express observations, methods, constraints, inferences, and caveats in the clearest possible manner. Big Data are nothing to be afraid of. In fact, they are an opportunity.

      My perspective is data are neither good nor bad, but are good or bad for a particular use. In an effort to improve our outreach, I founded EPAs Statistics Users Group, a forum for information exchange not just among statisticians, but among all staff analyzing data. My presidential initiative would include producing training material for the ASA website. A prototype is the successful Breaking Bad Statistics presentation I developed at EPA.

      Impact. The ASAs mission statement includes the goal of using our discipline to enhance human welfare. I have had the good fortune to directly affect human health through environmental improvements. For instance, I have seen median blood lead levels of youth dramatically decrease as a result of removing lead from gasoline. That was my project, and the feeling of accomplishment is overwhelming. As a profession, you can join me and together WE can make an impact and enhance human welfare.

      To learn more about me, I invite you to go on Twitter and check out @StatisticsBarry for information and upcoming videos. Significantly onward!

      Vice President-elect

      Nicholas Horton, Amherst College

        Nick-Horton As the world’s largest community of statisticians, the American Statistical Association plays a key role in the development, application, and dissemination of statistical methods and practice. At a time when data are increasingly used to make decisions, this is a wonderful time to be a statistician. But there are a number of internal and external challenges and opportunities we face as a profession. As a board member, I would work to promote the practice and profession of statistics in the following ways:

        • Promote the role of statistics at the core of what is being described as “data science” (and bring data scientists into the Big Tent)
        • Work to make statistical careers more attractive and increase the visibility of the discipline in areas of science, government, and business that rely on data
        • Prepare statisticians for success by continuing to transform statistical education at the secondary and university levels

        I work as an applied biostatistician on a variety of biomedical and behavioral research projects. These experiences have demonstrated the power of statistics to ensure that science is on a solid foundation. Through my work on the ASA Undergraduate Guidelines Group, I saw firsthand the explosive growth of interest and enrollments in statistics. The expansion of our programs provides an opportunity for us to help ensure statisticians are not left behind while other fields stake a claim to data science.

        If elected, I would focus my efforts on aspects of visibility of the profession and our ongoing educational efforts. This would include engagement with other disciplines through our policy work, meetings, and publications, along with initiatives to improve the training for the next generation of students. Our graduates need the facility to express statistical computations while answering statistical questions (or to “think with data,” as Diane Lambert has described it). K–12 students need more of a sense of the power and beauty of statistics. Finzer (2013) notes that statistics educators who generally understand data, have substantial expertise in computation, and have developed a variety of data habits of mind are well positioned to advocate for major changes in the training of future data scientists. The ASA is poised to help its members and their institutions, and as a board member I would help move this ambitious agenda forward.

        Vice President-elect

        Kathy Ensor, Rice University

          Kathy-Ensor.jpg I am honored to be considered for the position of vice president of the American Statistical Association. I have served the profession and the ASA in many ways over my career and I look forward to bringing this experience to the Board of Directors and to the benefit of ASA members and society at large.

          I bring extensive academic experiences in research, teaching, and mentoring, including running a longstanding NSF-funded training program for undergraduates, graduate students, and post-docs. I also bring the experience of helping to found, and then lead for 14 years, the department of statistics at Rice. Rice Statistics has both benefited from and contributed to the ASA community—a tradition I am pleased to see continues with many of our alums.

          Statistics at Rice resides in the school of engineering, which puts us side-by-side with leading departments of computer science, applied math, and electrical engineering. The world of data science is drawing heavily from these communities, and statistics holds a key place at the table.

          The statistics profession is changing, or broadening, due to the rapid advances in information and computing resources. Data—government and commercial—that was once difficult to access is now readily available across the globe. It is amazing to me that with a few simple commands in R, I can access a wide array of financial data once available only to a small percentage of the world.

          Academia is also at the beginning of potentially rapid change through the success of the new model for content delivery of massively open online courses (MOOCs). Many ASA members are leading developers in this educational space. With this changing professional landscape on many fronts, it is important to maintain the forward perspective the ASA has adopted.

          The ASA as an umbrella organization encompasses a broad array of statisticians contributing to society through government, academia, industry, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). While my primary contributions are through academia, I also have maintained a personal outreach perspective, using my statistical expertise to address broad challenges facing society. This perspective of statistical outreach has taken me into very different communities of business, government, law, and NGOs. It is fascinating the varying degree of statistical thinking underpinning so much of society. The members of the ASA are the driving force behind this success, and the ASA, as an organization, has its finger on this pulse.

          It is such an exciting and dynamic time to be a statistician. We are now able to fully capitalize on our strong foundations in the age of Big Data and extensive computational resources. We live and breathe this excitement in our day-to-day lives. In our own way, we each help pass along this enthusiasm to the generation of new statisticians and data scientists.

          I look back in amazement at the dynamic changes in the ASA and the profession since the beginning of my career as a statistician in the late ’80s. The ASA has always been a superb organization and professional home for us all. It continues to grow and develop as our profession grows and develops. If elected, I look forward to contributing to this continued success.

          COCGB Representative to the Board

          Jerry Moreno, John Carroll University

            Jerry-Moreno Chapters need to continue to play an integral role in promoting the major ASA themes of the ASA as the Big Tent for Statistics and increasing the visibility of the profession. As a member for more than 50 years, I am wholly dedicated to the ASA.

            At the chapter level, I was the Cleveland Chapter representative to the Council of Chapters for many years. As the chapter’s education chair for 30 years, I continue to organize our annual spring conference, which features a prominent statistician who provides necessary professional development for those whose livelihoods depend on using statistics in the workplace. I continue to be involved in our chapter activities for grades K–12, including judging in our regional science fair competition, organizing our local statistics poster competition, giving talks to students about pursuing statistics as a career, and facilitating workshops in statistics for school teachers as they struggle to learn statistical content and pedagogy so to help their students become statistically literate.

            At the national level, I was asked by the Section on Statistical Graphics to head their initiative to create the ASA Statistics Poster Competition for students in grades K–12 in 1990. Thousands of students participate today at the local, regional, or national level. Chapters are critical in helping to promote the competition and help students understand what is involved in creating a statistics poster.

            A committee that for a total of 12 years I was privileged to have been a member of and served as chair of for two years is the ASA/NCTM Joint Committee on Curriculum in Probability and Statistics for grades K–12. From its inception by Fred Mosteller, this joint committee has produced many excellent projects and publications for statistics education. I was thrilled to have been an author of Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE): A Pre-K–12 Curriculum Framework and a module of investigations for middle-school teachers, Bridging the Gap Between Common Core State Standards and Teaching Statistics. I have been a facilitator since the inception of Meeting Within a Meeting workshops for school teachers, which are held at the JSM meeting sites.

            Chapters need to provide professional development for statisticians and those who practice statistics in the workplace. COC has an excellent traveling course program to help chapters in this regard. My own chapter offers a spring conference and fall workshop for colleagues in the profession. We have had joint offerings with ASQ and, more recently, with the local R group.

            I know of chapter successes and chapter struggles, as it has become more and more difficult for members to be able to leave their workplace and devote time to their chapter. A challenge for us is to find ways to serve both employer and the ASA.

            What would I bring to the board and COCGB? Experience from the past, a willingness to be involved in the present, and a vision for the future. As a longtime member of the ASA who has seen our association through rough and good times and has experienced its growth and importance in increasing the visibility of the profession now in the spirit of the Big Tent, it would be an absolute honor to be the liaison between the Council of Chapters Governing Board and the ASA Board of Directors. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a candidate for this position.

            COCGB Representative to the Board

            Paula Roberson, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

              Paula-Roberson I am honored and excited to be a candidate for the Council of Chapters Representative to the ASA Board of Directors. I have been active in the ASA throughout my career and have served in a number of positions, including offices in local chapters and on the Council of Chapters Governing Board, giving me a perspective on the contributions and needs of local chapters with respect to the overall organization.

              As the focal point for ASA activities on a local level, the chapters are vital to the association’s mission. Chapters play a critical role in addressing both of the main themes of the ASA strategic plan: i) the role of the association as the Big Tent for Statistics and ii) increasing the visibility of the profession. The chapters provide a center for professional networking, exchange of ideas, and opportunities for career development throughout the year for an often diverse group of statisticians in a geographic region.

              Since many statisticians do not participate in the annual Joint Statistical Meetings, chapter activity may be their primary means of identification with the association. The ASA needs to continue to develop new resources and opportunities for welcoming and including these individuals, and the chapters are the most fundamental avenue for this. Furthermore, just as the members are diverse, so are the chapters, spanning a large range of membership size, geographic area, and population density.

              The Council of Chapters, with the support of the ASA Board of Directors, provides an organizational infrastructure to support chapter activities, encourage new initiatives, and share experiences and ideas among the chapters. As a member of both the Board of Directors and the Council of Chapters Governing Board, I would take seriously the responsibility to foster communication across all levels to bolster this infrastructure.

              Chapters have many opportunities to enhance the visibility of our profession, including interactions with the media, participation in the schools, and development of projects to enhance statistical literacy. We need to help chapters seek more opportunities to engage in these activities and publicize success stories that encourage other chapters to follow suit. I know from my involvement with local chapters and the Council of Chapters Governing Board that there are many creative and effective activities ongoing at local levels. Many of these can be shared and adapted by other chapters and/or expanded to association initiatives.

              This is an exciting time for the field of statistics, presenting many opportunities and challenges. If elected, I look forward to working with the Board of Directors and the Council of Chapters Governing Board to enhance and strengthen the capacity of the chapters to move the discipline and the profession forward to an even brighter future.

              COSGB Representative to the Board

              Eileen King, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

                Eileen-King I welcome the opportunity to serve as the Council of Sections Representative to the ASA Board of Directors and look forward to working together to achieve the strategic initiatives identified by the board as they partner with the sections.

                I have more than 20 years of experience as a leader and manager of statistical organizations. This leadership experience has provided many opportunities for strategic planning and developing and executing implementation plans to meet the strategic goals. I have served as chair of the Council of Sections Governing Board and understand that the sections represent the diverse interests and areas of expertise of the ASA membership. As a representative of the Council of Sections on the ASA Board of Directors, I will use my experience in both the industry and academic sector to identify opportunities where the sections can partner with the ASA Board of Directors to achieve the strategic goals set by the ASA leadership. I will facilitate the partnerships by being a channel of communication between the sections and the board.

                As an example, attracting and retaining ASA members will lead to increased section membership. Conversely, active sections will provide a research interest home for ASA members and increase the probability that an individual will be retained as an ASA member. The ASA can attract a new member, but membership in vibrant sections will likely be a strong reason as to why that member is retained. A strong partnership between the board and the sections will be needed to identify novel approaches for growing the membership. Similarly, the sections can work closely with the board to identify and implement new approaches to statistical education to attract individuals into the profession.

                Throughout my 35-year career as a statistical scientist, I have been fortunate to collaborate with outstanding researchers in many fields and to educate formally and informally. I have had many opportunities to serve our profession, and each one has been a rewarding experience. I look forward to working with the board members to continue to raise awareness of the important contributions statistical scientists make across the multitude of application areas as represented by the Council of Sections.

                COSGB Representative to the Board

                Katherine T. Halvorsen, Smith College

                  Katherine-Halvorsen My goals as a member of the ASA Board of Directors will include supporting the professional development of members through continuing education at meetings and through chapter and section programs, supporting outreach to teachers of statistics in K–12 and in higher education, retaining current ASA members in the future, encouraging new membership growth, and maintaining a supportive working relationship between the Council of Sections and the ASA Board of Directors.

                  ASA 2015 Election Candidates List


                  Marianne Messina, Bristol-Myers Squibb
                  Jeffrey Wilson, Arizona State University
                  Vice Chair, Region 2, District 3
                  Anamaria Kazanis, Michigan State University College 
 of Nursing
                  Gong Tang, University of Pittsburgh
                  Vice Chair, Region 2, District 4
                  Nels Grevstad, Metropolitan State University of Denver
                  Mark Payton, Oklahoma State University


                    Fred Hulting, General Mills, Inc.
                    Myron Katzoff, Retired
                    Vice Chair
                    Sarah Kalicin, Intel Corporation
                    Eric Vance, LISA (Virginia Tech’s Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis)


                      Purushottam (Prakash) Laud, Medical College of Wisconsin
                      Sudipto Banerjee, University of California at Los Angeles
                      Program Chair-elect
                      Debajyoti Sinha, Florida State University
                      Tanzy Love, University of Rochester
                      Publications Officer
                      Sheng Luo, University of Texas at Houston
                      Matthew Heaton, Brigham Young University
                      Council of Sections Representative
                      Qi Tang, AbbVie
                      Tamara Broderick, MIT

                        BIOMETRICS SECTION

                        Amy Herring, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
                        Abdus Wahed, University of Pittsburgh
                        Council of Sections Representative
                        Timothy Johnson, University of Michigan
                        Qi Long, Emory University

                          BIOPHARMACEUTICAL SECTION

                          Veronica Taylor, FDA/CVM
                          Alex Dmitrienko, Quintiles
                          Program Chair-elect
                          Jennifer Gauvin, GlaxoSmithKline
                          Satrajit Roychoudhury, Novartis Oncology
                          Publications Officer
                          Ugochi Emeribe, AstraZeneca
                          Richard Zink, SAS Institute, Inc. and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
                          Council of Sections Representative
                          Aparna Raychaudhuri, Shire
                          Rima Izem, FDA


                            Ataman Ozyildirim, The Conference Board
                            Ron Jarmin, U.S. Census Bureau
                            Program Chair-elect
                            Kevin Moore, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
                            Bart Hobijn, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

                              SECTION ON STATISTICAL COMPUTING

                              Thomas Lee, University of California, Davis
                              Kate Calder, The Ohio State University
                              Program Chair-elect
                              Eric Laber, North Carolina State University
                              Christopher Hans, The Ohio State University
                              Radu Craiu, University of Toronto
                              Genevera Allen, Rice University, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital
                              Council of Sections Representative
                              Patrick Breheny, University of Iowa
                              Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, Duke University

                                SECTION ON STATISTICAL CONSULTING

                                Chuck Kincaid, Experis
                                Nan Hu, University of Utah
                                Hsin-Yi (Cindy) Weng, University of Utah
                                Ralph Turner, HealthCore
                                Council of Sections Representative
                                Bruce Craig, Purdue University
                                Manisha Desai, Stanford University
                                Executive Committee At Large
                                George Luta, Georgetown University
                                Nagaraj Neerchal, University of Maryland Baltimore County

                                  SECTION ON STATISTICAL EDUCATION

                                  Paul Roback, St. Olaf College
                                  Nathan Tintle, Dordt College
                                  Ann Cannon, Cornell College
                                  Soma Roy, California Polytechnic State University 
San Luis Obispo
                                  Executive Committee At Large
                                  Stephanie Casey, Eastern Michigan University
                                  Ulrike Genschel, Iowa State University
                                  Brenda Gunderson, University of Michigan
                                  Elizabeth Johnson, George Mason University

                                    SECTION ON STATISTICS AND THE ENVIRONMENT

                                    Veronica Berrocal, University of Michigan
                                    Paul Patterson, Forest Service, USDA
                                    Program Chair-elect
                                    Elizabeth Mannshardt, North Carolina State University
                                    Zhengyuan Zhu, Iowa State University
                                    Amanda Hering, Colorado School of Mines
                                    Ephraim Hanks, Pennsylvania State University
                                    Publications Chair-elect
                                    Yulia Gel, University of Texas at Dallas
                                    William Christensen, Brigham Young University

                                      SECTION ON STATISTICS IN EPIDEMIOLOGY

                                      Susan Shortreed, Group Health Research Institute and 
University of Washington
                                      Dylan Small, University of Pennsylvania
                                      Program Chair-elect
                                      Scarlett Bellamy, University of Pennsylvania
                                      Jason Brinkley, East Carolina University
                                      Yueh-Yun Chi, University of Florida
                                      Jennifer Sinnott, Harvard University
                                      Publications Officer
                                      Kathleen Jablonski, The George Washington University
                                      Claudio Fuentes, Oregon State University

                                        SECTION ON GOVERNMENT STATISTICS

                                        Amy O’Hara, U.S. Census Bureau
                                        Julie Parker, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
                                        Program Chair-elect
                                        Michael Hawes, U.S. Department of Education
                                        Andrew Keller, U.S. Census Bureau
                                        Council of Sections Representative
                                        Katherine Thompson, U.S. Census Bureau
                                        John Dixon, Bureau of Labor Statistics

                                          SECTION ON STATISTICAL GRAPHICS

                                          Michael Friendly, York University
                                          George Michailidis, University of Michigan
                                          Program Chair-elect
                                          Kenny Shirley, AT&T Labs
                                          Todd Ogden, Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute
                                          Publications Officer
                                          Md. Mahbubul Majumder, University of Nebraska at Omaha
                                          Leanna House, Virginia Tech
                                          Council of Sections Representative
                                          Weijie Cai, SAS Institute, Inc.
                                          Sarah Hardy, University of Maine at Farmington

                                            HEALTH POLICY STATISTICS SECTION

                                            Carolyn Rutter, RAND Corporation
                                            Laura Lee Johnson, FDA

                                              STATISTICS IN MARKETING SECTION

                                              Young-Hoon Park, Cornell University
                                              Qing Liu, University of Wisconsin-Madison
                                              Program Chair-elect
                                              Jeffrey Dotson, Brigham Young University
                                              Sandeep Conoor, In4mation Insights
                                              Olivia Lau, Google
                                              Zainab Jamal, Hewlett Packard

                                                SECTION ON PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES

                                                Allison Rajakumar, The Lubrizol Corporation and Ursuline College
                                                James Wendelberger, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Urban Science Applications, Inc.
                                                Program Chair-elect
                                                Byran Smucker, Miami University
                                                Yili Hong, Virginia Tech
                                                Rick Lewis, GlaxoSmithKline
                                                Matthew Pratola, The Ohio State University
                                                Council of Sections Representative
                                                Joanne Wendelberger, Los Alamos National Laboratory
                                                William Notz, The Ohio State University

                                                  QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY SECTION

                                                  Alix Robertson, Sandia National Laboratories
                                                  Ming Li, REANCON.com, Wal-Mart Store, Inc.
                                                  Program Chair-elect
                                                  Anne Hansen, Intel Corporation
                                                  Hon Keung Tony Ng, Southern Methodist University
                                                  Abdel-Salam (ABDO) Abdel-Salam, Qatar University
                                                  Council of Sections Representative
                                                  Harold Dyck, California State University San Bernardino
                                                  Sharad Prabhu, SAS Institute, Inc.

                                                    RISK ANALYSIS SECTION

                                                    Matthew Wheeler, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
                                                    Ugur Tuncay Alparslan, American University
                                                    Program Chair-elect
                                                    Yishi Wang, The University of North Carolina at Wilmington
                                                    Zhongyi Yuan, The Pennsylvania State University
                                                    Mike Pennell, The Ohio State University
                                                    Johanna Xi, Bank of America
                                                    Publications Officer
                                                    Beom Seuk Hwang, NIH/NICHD
                                                    Mary Louie, Insurance Services Office and Verisk Analytics

                                                      SOCIAL STATISTICS SECTION

                                                      Jennifer Day, U.S. Census Bureau
                                                      Tim Liao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
                                                      Program Chair-elect
                                                      Melissa Scopilliti, U.S. Census Bureau
                                                      Cynthia Buckley, University of Illinois
                                                      Matthew Brault, Harvard Medical School
                                                      Margaret Kelley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
                                                      Council of Sections Representative
                                                      Rebecca Chenevert, U.S. Census Bureau
                                                      Brian Harris-Kojetin, U.S. Office of Management and Budget

                                                        STATISTICS IN SPORTS SECTION

                                                        Steven Rigdon, Saint Louis University
                                                        Aaron Baggett, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
                                                        Program Chair-elect
                                                        Stephanie Kovalchik, RAND Corporation
                                                        Andrew Swift, University of Nebraska at Omaha
                                                        Justin Post, North Carolina State University
                                                        Douglas Noe, Miami University

                                                          SURVEY RESEARCH METHODS SECTION

                                                          Matthias Schonlau, University of Waterloo
                                                          Elaine Zanutto, Naxion Research and Consulting
                                                          Program Chair-elect
                                                          Donsig Jang, Mathematica Policy Research
                                                          Tom Krenzke, Westat
                                                          Asaph Young Chun, U.S. Census Bureau
                                                          Rachel A. Caspar, RTI International
                                                          Wendy Van de Kerckhove, Westat
                                                          Qixuan Chen, Columbia University
                                                          Council of Sections Representative
                                                          Darryl Creel, RTI International
                                                          Yajuan Si, University of Wisconsin, Madison
                                                          Julia Soulakova, University of Nebraksa Lincoln
                                                          William Cecere, Westat

                                                            TEACHING OF STATISTICS IN THE HEALTH 

                                                            Jose-Miguel Yamal, University of Texas
                                                            Ann Brearley, University of Minnesota
                                                            Council of Sections Representative
                                                            Carol Bigelow, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
                                                            Steve Grambow, Duke University

                                                              SECTION ON NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS

                                                              Xuming He, University of Michigan
                                                              Helen Hao Zhang, University of Arizona
                                                              Program Chair-elect
                                                              Sonja Greven, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
                                                              Fang Yao, University of Toronto
                                                              Dalma Senturk, University of California at Los Angeles
                                                              Ying Wei, Columbia University
                                                              Council of Sections Representative
                                                              Wolfgang Polonik, University of California, Davis
                                                              John Staudenmayer, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

                                                                STATISTICS IN DEFENSE AND NATIONAL

                                                                Laura Freeman, Institute for Defense Analysis
                                                                James Wendelberger, Los Alamos National Laboratory
                                                                Program Chair-elect
                                                                Justin Newcomer, Sandia National Laboratories
                                                                Jane Pinelis, Center for Naval Analysis
                                                                Shuguang Song, The Boeing Company
                                                                Council of Sections Representative
                                                                Gentry White, The University of Queensland
                                                                Alyson Wilson, North Carolina State University

                                                                  SECTION FOR STATISTICAL PROGRAMMERS 

                                                                  Michael Carniello, Astellas Pharma
                                                                  Abdel-Salam (ABDO) Abdel-Salam, Qatar University
                                                                  Program Chair-elect
                                                                  Bala Dhungana, Eli Lilly and Company
                                                                  Michael Messner, EPA
                                                                  Dominique Williams, Eli Lilly and Company
                                                                  Wei Qian, Takeda
                                                                  Nakisha Boulware Reid, Novant Health, Inc.
                                                                  Dane Korver, Pearson
                                                                  Publications Officer
                                                                  Mark Matthews, GCE Solutions
                                                                  Jagannath Ghosh, Novartis Pharmaceutical
                                                                  Council of Sections Representative
                                                                  Ram Kafle, Sam Houston State University
                                                                  Hsiu-Yung Cindy Wilson, Eli Lilly and Company

                                                                    STATISTICAL LEARNING AND DATA MINING SECTION

                                                                    Annie Qu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
                                                                    Xiaodong Lin, Rutgers
                                                                    Program Chair-elect
                                                                    Genevera Allen, Rice University, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital
                                                                    Adam Rothman, University of Minnesota
                                                                    Council of Sections Representative
                                                                    Eric Laber, North Carolina State University
                                                                    Karl Rohe, University of Wisconsin, Madison

                                                                      SECTION ON STATISTICS IN IMAGING

                                                                      Martin Lindquist, Johns Hopkins University
                                                                      Thomas Nichols, University of Warwick
                                                                      Hernando Ombao, University of California, Irvine
                                                                      Program Chair-elect
                                                                      Chunming Zhang, University of Wisconsin, Madison
                                                                      Ying Guo, Emory University
                                                                      Peng Huang, Johns Hopkins University

                                                                        SECTION ON MENTAL HEALTH STATISTICS

                                                                        Ofer Harel, University of Connecticut
                                                                        Elizabeth Stuart, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School
 of Public Health
                                                                        Yuanjia Wang, Columbia University
                                                                        Program Chair-elect
                                                                        Huaihou Chen, University of Florida
                                                                        Warren Comulada, University of California at Los Angeles
                                                                        Hua He, University of Rochester
                                                                        Booil Jo, Stanford University School of Medicine
                                                                        Knashawn Morales, University of Pennsylvania
                                                                        Council of Sections Representative
                                                                        Samiran Ghosh, Wayne State University School of Medicine
                                                                        Wesley Thompson, University of California at San Diego

                                                                          MEDICAL DEVICES AND DIAGNOSTICS SECTION

                                                                          Jason Connor, Berry Consultants, University of Central Florida College of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health
                                                                          Theodore Lystig, Medtronic and University of Minnesota
                                                                          Program Chair-elect
                                                                          Zhiheng Xu, FDA
                                                                          Norberto Pantoja-Galicia, FDA, CDRH

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