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Jerome Sacks Award

1 March 2017 No Comment

The National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS) is seeking nominations for the 2017 Jerome Sacks Award for Outstanding Cross-Disciplinary Research. The prize recognizes sustained, high-quality cross-disciplinary research involving the statistical sciences.

An award of $1,000 will be presented during the NISS/Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute reception at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Baltimore, July 29 – August 3, 2017.

To nominate an individual, submit as one PDF document the following information to sacksaward2017@niss.org by May 1:

  1. Nomination letter (maximum two pages)
  2. Supporting letters from two individuals (other than nominator)
  3. The nominee’s CV

For more information and to see the list of previous winners, visit the NISS website.

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