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Entire Garrett Family Attends JSM 2017 in Baltimore

1 October 2017 2 Comments

The Garrett Family (from left): Taylor, Chris, Robert, and Pamela

    Taylor Garrett, Chris Garrett, Robert Garrett, and Pamela Garrett participated in the recent 2017 Joint Statistical Meetings in Baltimore, Maryland.

    Chris Garrett is an Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics teacher at Hudson High School in Hudson, Ohio. His wife, Pamela Garrett, is an AP Statistics teacher at Kenston High School in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Their daughter, Taylor Garrett, is a recent graduate preparing to also teach mathematics and statistics in high school. Their son, Robert Garrett, is a junior at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, majoring in mathematics and statistics.

    Chris, Pamela, and Taylor attended the Meeting Within a Meeting Statistics Workshop and Beyond AP Statistics Workshop, which are held in conjunction with JSM. They also attended JSM sessions, including Robert’s.

    Robert presented a poster in a speed session, titled “An Analysis of Consumer Budgeting and the Great Recession,” which earned a tie for third place in the student award category of the 2017 Data Challenge.

    Robert’s influential professors are Thomas Fisher and John Bailer at Miami University.

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    • Tom Short said:

      *John Bailer

    • Megan Murphy (author) said:

      Thank you Tom. The spelling of Bailer’s name has been corrected.