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Statistics Surveys: An Open-Access Review Journal

1 June 2019 No Comment
Wendy Martinez

    Editorial Board

    David Banks (IMS)
    Sara van de Geer (Bernoulli Society)
    Ranjan Maitra (ASA)
    Richard A. Lockhart (SSC)
    Wendy Martinez (Coordinating Editor)

    Statistics Surveys is an online, open-access, refereed journal publishing overview or introductory articles on topics in statistics and data science. Articles can focus on theoretical, computational, and/or applied aspects of the topic and be broad or narrow in scope.

    The journal does not impose a page limit because the articles are published online. However, authors should keep in mind that longer articles take more time to review. Online supplemental materials such as data sets, computer code, and animations also can be included with articles.

    Statistics Surveys was founded in 2007 by Jim Pitman, Wendy Martinez, and David Aldous as part of the Mathematics Survey Project and is sponsored by several societies, including the American Statistical Association, Bernoulli Society, Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), and Statistical Society of Canada (SSC). The editorial board has one representative from each of these four societies and a coordinating editor.

    Do not be fooled by the word “surveys” in the title. This is not a journal publishing papers on survey methodology. Rather, it is one that seeks to publish overview articles or surveys of the current state-of-the-art in statistics and data science. The editors are always looking for good submissions to the journal and are willing to work with authors to get their papers ready for acceptance.

    So … Do you have a white paper or technical report describing a topic in data science or statistics? How about the literature review you did for a research grant or the first chapter of your dissertation? Consider turning it into an article and submitting it to Statistics Surveys. The journal’s website contains instructions for accessing papers, submitting papers and supplementary material, and refereeing papers.

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