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Free 2019 Seasonal Adjustment Practitioners Workshop Happening in November

1 October 2019 No Comment
Jon Wright

Jon Wright

    The Government Statistics Section, Business and Economic Statistics Section, and Washington Statistical Society are sponsoring the third Seasonal Adjustment Practitioners Workshop (SAPW) November 20 at the Bureau of Labor Statistics in Washington, DC.

    SAPW is a one-day conference for those who are actively involved in seasonal adjustment and related time series methods, providing an opportunity to share experiences in producing seasonal adjustments; give details of interesting time series estimation problems and possible solutions; discuss best practices in seasonal adjustment, time series modeling, or benchmarking; share lessons learned, tips, and shortcuts; present applied research in the practice of time series estimation; and network with others who face the same challenges. There is no charge to participate.

    Jonathan Wright of The Johns Hopkins University will be the keynote speaker, presenting “Seasonal Adjustment of NIPA Data: Model-Based and Moving-Average-Based Approaches.” Wright’s research focus has been econometrics, empirical macroeconomics, and empirical finance, but his interests span a wide range of topics, including forecasting in a data-rich environment, the high-frequency effects of news announcements, term structure analysis, and the econometrics of weak identification. William Bell, senior mathematical statistician at the US Census Bureau, will be the discussant.

    To participate in the workshop, submit an abstract of 100 or fewer words by October 15 to esmd.seasonal.workshop@census.gov. To attend, register by November 17.

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