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SPES Offers Opportunity to Advance Ideas

20 January 2020 410 views No Comment
Bobby Gramacy, SPES Chair, and Ming Li, SPES Award Committee Chair

    Although the SPES community has historically focused on industrial statistics, design, quality, and reliability, we are increasingly pivoting toward modern methods in learning and high-performance computing in statistical methodology, with diverse applications throughout the applied sciences, particularly the blossoming area of (industrial) information technology. If you are interested in advancing ideas combining data science, machine learning, or big data methods with applications in industry and applied science, consider getting more involved in SPES activities.

    For instance, you might plan a workshop that specifically connects big data or machine learning to industrial statistics and related areas. Or you might organize an invited session at one of our annual meetings: JSM; Spring Research Conference; and Fall Technical Conference.

    There is also the SPES-sponsored Marquardt Memorial Industrial Speakers Program. This program provides funding for industrial statisticians to visit universities and discuss their work, as well as opportunities in the area, and to promote industrial statistics and opportunities to the larger statistics community.

    Feel free to email SPES Chair Bobby Gramacy to discuss your ideas.

    Call for SPES Award Nominations

    The SPES Award is bestowed upon a distinguished individual or individuals for their innovative use of statistics to solve a high-impact problem in the physical and engineering sciences. In even-numbered years, the award is presented for distinguished work performed during the previous two years by a collaborative team of statisticians and practitioners in an industrial, manufacturing, or research organization. Nominations are due by February 20, 2020.

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