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Sacks Award Winners to Speak During JSM Invited Session

1 February 2022 No Comment

The National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS) Jerome Sacks Award for Outstanding Cross-Disciplinary Research recognizes sustained, high-quality, cross-disciplinary research involving the statistical and data sciences. The following past award recipients represent the cutting edge in statistical research and will speak during an invited session hosted by NISS at JSM:

  • Marc Suchard, professor of computational medicine, biostatistics, and human genetics at the University of California, Los Angeles (2021)
  • Francesca Dominici, Clarence James Gamble Professor of Biostatistics, Population, and Data Science at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and co-director of the data science initiative at Harvard University (2020)
  • Jeremy Taylor, the Pharmacia Research Professor of Biostatistics, Computational Medicine, and Bioinformatics at the University of Michigan (2019)

From left: Marc Suchard, Francesca Dominici, and Jeremy Taylor

    This session will focus on new developments and challenges in the cross-disciplinary research on health data science. Today, statisticians and biostatisticians actively collaborate with biomedical scientists, computer scientists, and mathematicians to work at the frontier of biological, medical, and public health research. Transdisciplinary collaboration not only develops the foundation of health data science but accelerates the pace of scientific discovery and innovation.

    James Rosenberger, NISS director, will serve as the discussant.

    2022 Award Nominations

    Nominations are being sought for the 2022 Sacks Award.

    To nominate an individual, submit as one PDF document the following information to officeadmin@niss.org by April 1:

    • Nomination letter (maximum two pages)
    • Supporting letters from two individuals (other than nominator)
    • The nominee’s most current CV

    An award of $1,000 will be presented during the NISS reception at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Washington, DC, August 6–11.

    Send questions or comments to officeadmin@niss.org.

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