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Call for Papers: Inclusive Statistics Education with Digital Resources

1 March 2023 No Comment
Guest Editors
Susan A. Peters
University of Louisville

Bruno de Sousa
Universidade de Coimbra

Teresita Teran
Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Lucía Zapata-Cardona
Universidad de Antioquia

Special Edition Editor
Daniel Frischemeier
University of Münster

For the 2024 special issue of Statistics Education Research Journal, the guest editors are interested in scholarly articles that address the aspects of inclusion and digital resources in statistics education.

From the editors’ perspective, the topic of inclusion is considered and interpreted in a broad sense. With the expansion of and shift to inclusion, learners’ individual interests, learning opportunities, attitudes, language or linguistic diversity, and cultural backgrounds are gaining attention in the design of instruction, at least since the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Inclusion in education aims to ensure all learners, regardless of their individual competencies, are recognized in the classroom with their personal needs and special characteristics addressed so they can participate in the classroom both professionally and socially. Recognition and participation include the adequate and individual support of all learners. Digital resources are one way to address inclusion.

The editors encourage empirical research (both quantitative and qualitative); design-based research with learners in K–12, tertiary/academic, and adult education contexts; and conceptually oriented articles that address issues of learning and teaching—including curricular issues and issues for teacher education and professional development—within the context of inclusive statistics education with digital resources. View the issues and questions that may be discussed in manuscripts for this special issue.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions need not be a paper presented at the International Conference on Teaching Statistics nor about teaching and learning during the pandemic. However, any paper based on an ICOTS paper needs to be an expansion of that paper to allow for additional grounding in extant literature; more detailed descriptions of methods and theoretical grounding; expanded results that include additional data, whether additional results for those ICOTS papers that presented preliminary results or additional examples to support theoretical constructs, etc.; and additional couching of results to make the contribution of the work to the field clear.

Expressions of interest (including an abstract of a maximum of 250 words) must include authors’ names with affiliation details and email addresses and be sent as a pdf file to dafr@math.upb.de by March 30. Authors will be informed about the invitation to submit a full manuscript by April 30. Full papers are expected to be submitted to the SERJ online submission system by September 15.

Manuscripts for this special issue will be limited to 8,000 words of body text, and authors are encouraged to aim for approximately 6,000 words of body text (apart from abstract, tables and graphs, references, and appendices). Manuscripts should be submitted in accordance with the author guidelines and SERJ template.

Manuscripts written in Spanish or Portuguese will be accepted but need to be accompanied by an English-translated version.

The special issue should be published by June 30, 2024.

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