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JEDI at JSM 2023

1 August 2023 713 views No Comment
The Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Outreach Group Corner is a regular component of Amstat News in which statisticians write and educate our community about JEDI-related matters. If you have an idea or article for the column, email the JEDI Corner manager at jedicorner@datascijedi.org.

Photo of Yates Coley, Big smile, short hair, striped button down shirt.Yates Coley is the communications chair for the ASA Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Outreach Group and editor of the JEDI Corner.

This year’s Joint Statistical Meetings will take place August 5–10 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Outreach Group is sponsoring or co-sponsoring more than a dozen activities showcasing work to promote JEDI in the practice and profession of statistics. This month’s JEDI Corner highlights a few of these offerings.

The following technical sessions at this year’s JSM focus on statistical methods that support research to measure, understand, and counteract the effects of institutionalized systems of inequity:

Metrics and Statistical Analyses of JEDI-Related Data (Sunday, 2:00–3:30 p.m.) features presentations from Brisa Sanchez, David Corliss, Kimberly Sellers, and Wendy Martinez about approaches to measuring race and ethnicity, racial segregation, and racial diversity.

Measures and Applications for Relating Historical Structural Racism with Contemporary Health Outcomes (Sunday, 4:00–5:50 p.m.) includes presentations from Ruby Bayliss and Loni Tabb about incorporating measures of racialized segregation into spatial analyses, an examination of racial disparities in health outcomes related to Jim Crow Laws from Philimon Gona, and an overview of statistical methods for measuring racism from Melody Goodman.

Critical Race Theory for Statisticians: Incorporating CRT into Statistical Analyses (Tuesday, 10:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.) showcases best practices and examples of meaningfully integrating critical race theory into statistical design, analysis, and education from Melody Goodman, Stephanie Cook, Scarlett Bellamy, and Sarah Warner.

Research presentations in Statistically Significant: Equity Concerns in Algorithmic Bias, Privacy, and Survey Representation (Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.) include an exploration of survey data on sociodemographic and health outcomes for the United States’ growing Asian American population by Sunghee Lee, guidance for applying equity principles in data privacy methods from Claire Bowen, and an examination of validity and fairness of high-stakes decision-making algorithms by Amanda Coston.

This year’s JSM program also includes the following two sessions focused on integrating JEDI principles into statistics education:

Teaching with Data Sets That Recognize the Intersectional Perspectives of Students (Monday, 10:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.) includes presentations by Johanna Hardin, Reneé Moore, Ciaran Evans, and Prince Afriyie about approaches to highlighting the contributions of statisticians from diverse backgrounds; teaching critical thinking skills to enable thoughtful study design, analysis, and interpretation; and incorporating data sets on diverse populations and relatable experiences into statistics classes.

Power in the Classroom: From Helping Students Play the Game to Helping Students Change the Game (Wednesday, 8:30–10:20 a.m.) features presentations from Leslie Myint, Kelsey Grinde, Felicia Simpson, and Allison Theobold about applying a JEDI lens to how aspects of privilege, power, and identity interact with student access to educational opportunities, grading systems, student engagement, and group collaborations and strategies to improve equity in these domains.

Additionally, the JEDI Outreach Group is co-sponsoring the following two panel discussions focusing on career development:

In Biostatistics or Data Science: Choosing the Right Path (Monday, 8:30–10:20 a.m.), panelists Danielle Braun, Brian Millen, Jarren L. Santos, Sourav Santra, and Peng Wei consider the differences between biostatistics and data science roles and share insights on choosing a career path.

For Imposter Syndrome and the Hidden Curriculum Manifestation Within and Between Sectors (Tuesday, 2:00–3:50 p.m.) panelists Alena Ashton, Brittney Bailey, Jesse Canchola, Michael Jadoo, and Monica Vasquez discuss their experiences with imposter syndrome and the hidden curriculum (defined as expected behaviors or other norms not explicitly taught) and suggest strategies for navigating related situations in the sectors of academia, industry, and government.

Other JEDI Outreach Group co-sponsored sessions include a contributed poster session and a technical session with work by recent graduates who participated in the Math Alliance. To see all the JEDI Outreach Group activities at this year’s conference, use the conference program search engine. And be sure to follow the JEDI Outreach Group on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to get updates on all the JEDI happenings. You’re also encouraged to post about JEDI-related activities at JSM on social media with the hashtag #JEDIatJSM. Interested in joining the force? JEDI Outreach Group membership is free and open to all.

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