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USPROC Deadline Is December 20

2 October 2023 No Comment

The Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition encourages the development of data analysis skills, enhances presentation skills, and recognizes outstanding work by undergraduate statistics students.

The deadline for projects completed in summer/fall 2023 courses is December 20.

The categories for submission are the following:

  • Undergraduate Statistics Class Project Competition (USCLAP): This competition is for undergraduate students taking a statistics/data science course at introductory or intermediate levels (which are separate categories) with a class project as part of the course work (either required or optional). The project submission is a paper (up to three pages).
  • Undergraduate Statistics Research Project Competition (USRESP): This competition is for undergraduate students who conduct research projects related to statistics or data science, either methodological or applied. The types of research projects may include research work from summer REU research projects, senior-level research projects (part of coursework), or independent research projects (e.g., honors, capstone) that are not based on a specific course. The project submission is a paper (up to 20 pages).

Cash prizes will be awarded in all categories. Winners will also have the opportunity to present at the Electronic Undergraduate Statistics Research Conference.

Questions can be emailed to Jennifer Ward or Juanjuan Fan.

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