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[1 Mar 2023 | Comments Off on Texas A&M to Host CBMS Conference | ]

The Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University will host the five-day CBMS conference, “Foundations of Causal Graphical Models and Structure Discovery,” May 15–19 in College Station, Texas.

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[1 Mar 2016 | Comments Off on Two NSF-CBMS Conferences Planned for 2016 | ]

The National Science Foundation and Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences will support two regional research conferences in 2016 intended to stimulate interest and activity in mathematical research.

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[1 Apr 2014 | Comments Off on 2014 NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conferences in the Mathematical Sciences | ]

The National Science Foundation recently announced support for eight NSF-CBMS regional research conferences to be held during 2014. These eight bring to 353 the total number of such conferences since the NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conference Series began in 1969.

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[1 Nov 2012 | Comments Off on Elementary-Level Statistics Enrollments Increase | ]

Every five years since 1965, a comprehensive study of U.S. undergraduate programs in the mathematical sciences has been undertaken by the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences. In 2010, a stratified random sample of 600 institutions was selected from the roughly 2,500 that are either public two-year colleges or (public or private) four-year colleges and universities with undergraduate programs in mathematics or statistics. Read on to learn what the survey found.

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[1 Jan 2011 | One Comment | ]

The National Science Foundation will hold six conferences with the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences in the spring and summer of 2011. Read more about them here.

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[1 Aug 2010 | Comments Off on CBMS Seeks Enrollment Data | ]

Since 1965, the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences has undertaken a comprehensive study of U.S. undergraduate programs in the mathematical sciences, with funding from the National Science Foundation and support from the mathematical sciences professional societies.

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[1 Aug 2009 | Comments Off on Why We Need Data on Our Profession | ]
Why We Need Data on Our Profession

Due to the economic downturn, many (most?) colleges and universities are looking to cut costs. At the University of Central Florida, this means eliminating the Department of Statistics (among others). At other universities, it could mean merging a statistics department with another discipline. Even worse, it could mean breaking up a statistics department and sending individual faculty to different departments.