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[1 Dec 2011 | 2 Comments | ]
Q&A Site for Statisticians Launched

Cross Validated is a free, community-driven question and answer site for statisticians, data analysts, data miners, and data visualization experts. Read an interview with the statistician who proposed the site to learn more about it.

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[1 Mar 2011 | Comments Off on Young Professionals Website Set to Launch | ]
Young Professionals Website Set to Launch

This month, the ASA launched STATtr@k, a website geared toward young professional statisticians (individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or who recently entered the job world). STATtr@k provides a central location to access career information and resources, as well as to learn more about the ASA and the statistics profession.

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[1 Dec 2010 | Comments Off on Note from Kathy Monti, Outgoing Section Chair | ]

Outgoing chair, Kathy Monti, gives her thanks and provides an overview of accomplishments made over the last year, including a website for students interested in biopharmaceutical statistics.