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[1 Mar 2019 | Comments Off on Biometrics Section News for March 2019 | ]

The Biometrics Section recently chose the David P. Byar Young Investigator Award winner and five travel award winners. Read on to find out who they are.

Biometrics, Member News, Section News »

[1 Oct 2014 | Comments Off on Biometrics Business Meeting Covers Much Ground | ]

The Biometrics Section held its annual business committee meeting at JSM 2014 in Boston, Massachusetts. Read on to find out what the section has accomplished this year.

Biometrics, Member News, Section News »

[1 Oct 2013 | Comments Off on Biometrics Section Summarizes JSM 2013, Announces Award Competitions | ]

The Biometrics Section had an active JSM, coming together for their business meeting and honoring six people with awards.

Biometrics, Member News, Section News »

[1 Jul 2013 | Comments Off on Byar, Travel Award Winners Announced | ]

The Biometrics Section recently chose Kyu Ha Lee of the Harvard School of Public Health as winner of the David P. Byar Young Investigator Award for “Bayesian Semiparametric Analysis of Semicompeting Risks Data: Estimating Readmission Rates Among Pancreatic Cancer Patients.” Read on to find out who won travel awards, as well as which short courses and invited sessions the Biometrics Section is sponsoring at JSM 2013.

Biometrics, Member News, Section News »

[1 Apr 2013 | One Comment | ]

The Biometrics Section will sponsor six Continuing Education courses and six invited sessions at JSM 2013. Read on to find out what the topics are.

Biometrics, Member News, Section News »

[1 Nov 2012 | Comments Off on Biometrics Section Seeks JSM Proposals, Award Applicants | ]

The Biometrics Section is accepting proposals for JSM 2013 topic-contributed sessions, as well as applications for the David P. Byar Young Investigator Award, travel awards, and funding support.

Biometrics, Member News, Section News »

[1 Nov 2011 | Comments Off on Proposals, Papers Wanted for JSM 2012 | ]

Biometrics Section program chair, Timothy D. Johnson, is collecting proposals for topic-contributed talks. The section also is seeking applications for the 2012 David P. Byar Young Investigator Award, given to a young investigator for best emerging work to be presented during JSM.

Biometrics, Member News, Section News, Uncategorized »

[1 Oct 2011 | Comments Off on Biometrics Section Accomplishes Much at JSM | ]

The Biometrics Section held its annual business committee meeting at JSM 2011 in Miami Beach, Florida. Read on to see all the section accomplished during the past year.

Biometrics, Member News, Section News »

[1 Aug 2011 | Comments Off on Byar Award Presented, Short Course Announced | ]

During JSM 2011, the Biometrics Section presented its David P. Byar Young Investigator Award to Daniela Witten of the University of Washington for her paper “Penalized Classification Using Fisher’s Linear Discriminant.” It also invited section members to attend a two-day short course on the prevention and treatment of missing data in clinical trials.

Biometrics, Member News, Section News »

[1 Dec 2010 | Comments Off on Biometrics Section Deadlines, Awards, Transitions | ]

The Biometrics Section reminds its members that the deadline to submit abstracts for the 2011 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) is February 1. Also, Tianxi Cai, 2011 JSM program chair, is collecting proposals for topic-contributed talks, and the section is seeking applications for the 2011 David P. Byar Young Investigator Award.