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[1 Sep 2020 | Comments Off on Proposed Revisions to the ASA Constitution and Bylaws | ]

The board will vote in late November on accepting these changes. Per the rules set forth by our constitution and bylaws, the board seeks comments from ASA members on the proposed changes.

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[1 Apr 2020 | Comments Off on Reaching Your Networking Peak: A Guided Networking Session at JSM | ]

The JSM 2019 guided networking session, “Reaching Your Networking Peak,” was led by pro-networker Sally Morton, an ASA former president, and hosted by the ASA Committee on Career Development.

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[1 Mar 2016 | 2 Comments | ]
GAISE 2016: Update  and Request for Feedback

A committee assembled through the Section on Statistical Education has taken on revising and updating the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) College Report, originally endorsed by the ASA in 2005.

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[1 Jun 2015 | Comments Off on SPA Committee Seeks Input, Feedback | ]

The Scientific and Public Affairs Committee is committed to promoting statistical science in policymaking, and members are keen to hear from ASA members about policy issues relevant to its charge.