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Articles tagged with: Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition

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[2 Oct 2023 | No Comment | ]

The Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition encourages the development of data analysis skills, enhances presentation skills, and recognizes outstanding work by undergraduate statistics students.

Departments, Education »

[1 Jun 2023 | Comments Off on USPROC Deadline in June | ]

USPROC encourages students to develop data analysis skills and enhance presentation skills. It recognizes outstanding work by undergraduate statistics students.

Award Deadlines and Information, Member News »

[2 May 2022 | Comments Off on USPROC Submission Open | ]

The purpose of the Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition is to encourage the development of data analysis skills, enhance presentation skills, and recognize outstanding work by undergraduate statistics students.

Columns, Stats4Good »

[1 Jun 2021 | Comments Off on ASA GivesBack: Volunteering Opportunities and Networking for Students and Early-Career Statisticians | ]

David Corliss says the American Statistical Association’s ongoing commitment to community service is one of the most important commitments we have as a professional society. This month, he features ASA GivesBack, a two-pronged philanthropic initiative that includes fundraising and volunteerism, organizing one event per year in each area.