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[1 Mar 2023 | Comments Off on My ASA Story: Wendy Martinez, Mathematical Statistician | ]

Wendy Martinez has had many great experiences during her years as an ASA member, and her service as ASA president is at the top of her list.

My ASA Story »

[1 Feb 2023 | One Comment | ]

Alexandra L. Hanlon says the ASA has been instrumental to both her personal and career growth and is excited to see a continued shift toward team science and practicing statisticians.

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[2 Jan 2023 | One Comment | ]

Mike Jadoo, an economist at the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the Office of Productivity and Technology, first learned about the American Statistical Association from a coworker who was going to the Joint Statistical Meetings.

My ASA Story »

[1 Dec 2022 | Comments Off on My ASA Story: Nicole Close, Biostatistician | ]

Twenty-nine years after Nicole Close joined the ASA, she continues to look to the association for news, educational activities, and employment updates and opportunities.

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[1 Nov 2022 | Comments Off on My ASA Story: Robert Tumasian III, Biostatistics PhD Candidate | ]

Robert Tumasian III studies the intersection of mathematics and biomedical science: biostatistics!

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[1 Oct 2022 | Comments Off on My ASA Story: Arinjita Bhattacharyya, Senior Scientist | ]

Arinjita Bhattacharyya is an early-career statistician working as a senior scientist in the biostatistics and research decision sciences division at Merck & Co.

My ASA Story »

[1 Sep 2022 | Comments Off on My ASA Story: Maria Tackett, Assistant Professor | ]

Tackett became a member of the ASA in 2015, but when she joined the Section on Statistics and Data Science Education in 2019, she met statistics educators like her who shared a common goal: provide enthusiastic learning experiences for all students.

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[1 Aug 2022 | One Comment | ]

Anja Zgodic initially appreciated the ASA for its networking opportunities, but has now become a passionate member of the Committee on Statistics and Disability.

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[1 Jul 2022 | One Comment | ]

Erin Chapman appreciates the ASA’s learning opportunities, but also the opportunities to volunteer and advocate for statisticians and data scientists with disabilities.

My ASA Story »

[1 Jun 2022 | One Comment | ]

Fanni Natanegara says, “Through ASA, I feel a sense of belonging and a sense that I am part of something bigger … so, I am hooked!”