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Articles tagged with: ASA Founders Award

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[2 Oct 2023 | No Comment | ]

A special feature of the Joint Statistical Meetings is the ASA President’s Address and Awards, during which the Founders Award winners are announced and the new ASA Fellows are inducted.

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[1 Feb 2023 | Comments Off on Obituaries for February 2023 | ]

Ray A. Waller and Winston Ashton Richards passed away recently.

President's Corner »

[1 Nov 2021 | Comments Off on There are Mentors, and Then There Are Guardian Angels | ]

ASA President Rob Santos says, “… building community is critical for us, both in our statistical community and in society more generally. Yes, we can be mentors, but we can and should also be guardian angels.”

Award Deadlines and Information, Member News »

[1 Nov 2021 | Comments Off on Deadlines and Contact Information for Select ASA National Awards, Special Lectureships, and COPSS Awards | ]

The ASA’s extensive awards program recognizes statisticians who have made outstanding contributions to the association and statistical profession through research, teaching, consulting, and service.

Data for Good, Stats4Good »

[1 Oct 2021 | Comments Off on Stats4Good: Peace Award Recognizes Biostatistician, Teacher, and Mentor Michael H. Kutner | ]

David Corliss says that, by awarding the Peace Award to Kutner, the ASA has honored a person dedicated to strengthening the statistical profession and statisticians for generations to come.

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[1 Oct 2020 | Comments Off on Many Honored During Virtual JSM | ]

A special feature of the Joint Statistical Meetings is the ASA awards presentation. Here are some of this year’s awardees.

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[1 Nov 2019 | Comments Off on Deadlines and Contact Information for ASA National Awards, Special Lectureships, and COPSS Awards | ]
Deadlines and Contact Information for ASA National Awards, Special Lectureships, and COPSS Awards

The ASA’s extensive awards program recognizes statisticians who have made outstanding contributions through research, teaching, consulting, and service to the association and statistical profession. The annual awards listing contains important 2019–2020 award deadline and contact information.

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[1 Dec 2018 | Comments Off on Deadlines and Contact Information for ASA National Awards, Special Lectureships, and COPSS Awards | ]
Deadlines and Contact Information for ASA National Awards, Special Lectureships, and COPSS Awards

The ASA’s extensive awards program recognizes statisticians who have made outstanding contributions through research, teaching, consulting, and service to the association and statistical profession. The annual awards listing contains important 2018-2019 award deadline and contact information.

Award Deadlines and Information, Member News »

[1 Nov 2017 | Comments Off on Deadlines and Contact Information for ASA National Awards, Special Lectureships, and COPSS Awards | ]

The ASA’s extensive awards program recognizes statisticians who have made outstanding contributions through research, teaching, consulting, and service to the association and statistical profession. The annual awards listing contains important 2018 award deadline and contact information.

Statisticians in History »

[12 Jan 2017 | One Comment | ]

Samuel W. Greenhouse was one of the founding statisticians at the National Institutes of Health, helped pioneer the use of statistical methods in epidemiological research, and was influential in the early development of the theory and practice of clinical trials. He was also a distinguished Professor of Statistics at the George Washington University.